Message from @pratel
Discord ID: 504920031302385665
That they want to get money to feed their family at home.
They aren't fleeing, they're running *toward* something.
@Dusty Morgan Zimbabwe is 90% unemployed my country is gunna face the same thing if thats the case
in the meantime they're also skipping right through mexico
They think they can better themselves by taking advantage of another country
generally you run to something and away from something, it's usually never either or.
Yeah, I've spent a good deal of time around different places. It's a very different animal when you go up north. People are much better assimilated, more educated and get along better. It's also a much smaller problem.
Go south enough and they'll cross the border regularly. They'll work most of the year and cross to go on vacation.
here's an idea
they're not running towards america
they're being herded
@Paradox the primary pull is jobs. The primary push is lack of jobs and crime.
@Paradox If you're running away from a lion yes technically you're running toward safety, but the main impetus is running AWAY from the lion
Some of them want to united with family in United States.
which explains the trucks and buses carrying them
You can't blame the aliens for wanting in.
You can blame the democrats, for herding voters.
They aren't running away from something horrible, look at most of them they're dressed like fucking yuppies
they're running toward "the promised land"
NAFTA was actually a huge asset for slowing illegal immigartion. Mexican immigration waned heavily recently due to strong economic growth in Mexico (the big 3 automakers now produce basically everything in Mexico).
The Democrats wont be able to pay for so many people it would put them in the same position as sweden . Allow them in at first and then over time Regret it as Racial tension goes up and they try and make excuses why the migrant has priority to wellfare above citizens already in the US . wich wont go down so well .
A loud sucking sound going south as Ross Perot put it.
i remember the days of bush when all we had to worry about was mexicans sneaking over
man why is everything so chaotic right now in the world
The Timing is awfull isnt it
The digital age.
Choatic world is better than static world
the midterm elections will be the boiling point of it all
Social media is mostly a mistake.
Migrants to EU . Culture Clash after 2016 . china Dept traps in africa . Middle East is Still fucked up.
I have heard rumors (but lack good sources or really anything trustworthy) that Mexico in general is very hostile toward immigration on its southern border. And be "hostile" I mean "live fire"
The reason they are coming... they see economic boom in United States, thus they want to benefit off it.
Latin American Unity is a myth that only really exists in the US.
You could say it is Trump's fault. Because he made United States more prosperous.
it's my money and i need it now
Most of the world doesn't quite get along a people think it does. And it never has.