Message from @Steyr "Thick" Shotgun

Discord ID: 684740455728152638

2020-03-04 12:29:56 UTC  

"Its life, but not as we know it."

2020-03-04 12:29:59 UTC  


2020-03-04 12:30:29 UTC  

god I was watching this 24 hour stream when this one dude just decideds to say "mein führer zis nigger fuck" in the thiccest german accent ever and I cant stop laughing about it

2020-03-04 12:31:21 UTC

2020-03-04 12:31:22 UTC  


2020-03-04 12:31:38 UTC  

If only you clipped

2020-03-04 12:31:38 UTC  

Mein negers

2020-03-04 12:32:03 UTC  

gonna play meinkvaft

2020-03-04 12:32:07 UTC

2020-03-04 12:32:33 UTC  

@Blaster Master the minecraft villagers are based upon ancient jewish people

2020-03-04 12:32:38 UTC  


2020-03-04 12:32:38 UTC  

Not even a joke

2020-03-04 12:32:45 UTC  

notch iz bazed

2020-03-04 12:33:23 UTC  

Can people stop using the term based? Its the right's equivalent of woke

2020-03-04 12:33:26 UTC  

Its cringe

2020-03-04 12:33:38 UTC  

Attention, City 24.

2020-03-04 12:33:48 UTC  

Judgement waiver is now in immediate effect.

2020-03-04 12:33:59 UTC  


2020-03-04 12:34:00 UTC  

code reminder

2020-03-04 12:34:06 UTC

2020-03-04 12:34:56 UTC  

it'z not the original city 17 voice

2020-03-04 12:34:59 UTC  

im pretty sure 99% of the use based on this server is ironic

2020-03-04 12:35:00 UTC  

I'm basically being paid to risk getying a contagious virus

2020-03-04 12:35:01 UTC  


2020-03-04 12:35:05 UTC  

Different dispatch.

2020-03-04 12:35:10 UTC  

City 24 is Switzerland.

2020-03-04 12:35:17 UTC  


2020-03-04 12:35:23 UTC  

it'd be better I feel

2020-03-04 12:35:36 UTC  

Switzerland has an amazing past

2020-03-04 12:35:47 UTC  

switzerland is the vietnam of europe

2020-03-04 12:35:50 UTC  

Shame they became neutral cucks

2020-03-04 12:35:52 UTC  

bruh tbh the combine remindz me of the EU

2020-03-04 12:35:55 UTC  

i am confusion

2020-03-04 12:36:05 UTC  

>City 17 is in Lithuania.
>Most of the combines standard equipment is developed in City 17.
>The AR2 is most likely slavic in origin.

2020-03-04 12:36:12 UTC  


2020-03-04 12:36:13 UTC  


2020-03-04 12:36:14 UTC  


2020-03-04 12:36:16 UTC  

.Switzerland fought off the Germans, the French, the Italians

2020-03-04 12:36:18 UTC  

lithuania isnt slavic

2020-03-04 12:36:19 UTC  

breen is like the 5 unelected EU presidents merged in to one