Message from @Steyr "Thick" Shotgun

Discord ID: 684743556849860620

2020-03-04 12:44:41 UTC  

i can't wait to ztick my dick inzide a head crab

2020-03-04 12:44:45 UTC  

I'm getting the priciest

2020-03-04 12:44:48 UTC  

only fans letsplays <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

2020-03-04 12:44:52 UTC  

Just for reasons

2020-03-04 12:45:02 UTC  

Honestly, I'd make an onlyfans for lewd VR lets plays.

2020-03-04 12:45:10 UTC  

I plan on making a vr short game too

2020-03-04 12:45:17 UTC  

somebody would pay for it

2020-03-04 12:45:20 UTC  

vr porn

2020-03-04 12:45:20 UTC  


2020-03-04 12:45:24 UTC  


2020-03-04 12:45:28 UTC

2020-03-04 12:45:29 UTC  

vr porn has existed for a while

2020-03-04 12:45:45 UTC  

it was one of the first things they made with modern vr i'm pretty sure

2020-03-04 12:45:48 UTC  


2020-03-04 12:45:57 UTC  

Modern VR is built on VR Porn.

2020-03-04 12:46:02 UTC  

aight I am gonna go play minecraft

2020-03-04 12:46:04 UTC  

It's tech had a groundwork in most stuff

2020-03-04 12:46:11 UTC  

I can make 3d scenes good

2020-03-04 12:46:21 UTC  

So can I

2020-03-04 12:46:23 UTC  

In like 5 seconds

2020-03-04 12:46:25 UTC  

and 2 lights

2020-03-04 12:46:49 UTC

2020-03-04 12:47:14 UTC  

Virtual environments are a bitch to work with.

2020-03-04 12:47:20 UTC  

You have to scrap everything and pretend it's 1998.

2020-03-04 12:47:26 UTC  

Maybe we can collab eventually. I want to make a xen first contact short

2020-03-04 12:47:49 UTC  

Have maggnuson and a small craft and explore xen and take crystals

2020-03-04 12:47:58 UTC  

and cum

2020-03-04 12:48:02 UTC  

then cum on him

2020-03-04 12:48:03 UTC  


2020-03-04 12:48:05 UTC  

fuck that guy

2020-03-04 12:48:18 UTC  

fuck him and hiz microwave

2020-03-04 12:48:42 UTC  

VR environments are tricky, as you have to balance performance and quality. There are optimizations that work in flatscreen that don't in VR, vice versa.

2020-03-04 12:48:59 UTC  

This ship for magnuson and black mesa

2020-03-04 12:50:02 UTC  

I'm a good crash test dummy for VR work, as I don't get motion sick what so ever.

2020-03-04 12:50:06 UTC  

My stomach is practically iron.

2020-03-04 12:50:20 UTC  

Someone can try out my korea ck2 mod maybe lol

2020-03-04 12:50:50 UTC

2020-03-04 12:50:57 UTC

2020-03-04 12:51:01 UTC  
2020-03-04 12:51:02 UTC  
