Message from @Whitecheese
Discord ID: 303047995912617984
I am betterer
@BlackMetalWitch personel or projection over them existing here ?
I roam around, around, around around
@asdfgasdfgasdfaoklk A little bit of both
it no work
i want to die
in bot
/whois @Brad
bretty cheap living here in Texas, and we got a lot of shipping in the east.
if you leave this discord for bullying ill bully you
help i am tardo babby
>He's up at 2 am on a discord whose main demographic is people from a Taiwanese fish trapping pit forum to be a beta cuck
Also thought about joining ICE so I can pull juan and juana by their short and curlies to the deportation van
>mfw thinking a mongolian claymation club is not satire
I have some friends who hunt near the border and constantly see illegals, and every so often have their shit broken into.
fuck that
>mfw thinking a kajikstani hawk hunting forum is all jokes without some serious discussion
I realized that if you could kill an illegal when theres no one around, you could totally get away with it
That would be a possibility
tbh need a efficent guide to murdering illegals
Thats how most crime is
If you do X while nobody is around, youll probably get away with it
I had some swarmy, turbo manlet illegal try and beg me for some change in the middle of the night at a train station once
Ya, but with illegals, no one will search for them.
realized I couldve hit him over the head and thrown him on the tracks and walked away
no one wouldve ever known lol
damn son
it was just a thought tho
>Find illegal
>Kill illegal
>Go home
>Never talk about it again
Hypothetically not hard desu. Not advocating for this of course
its all for this fictional novel Im writing of course