Message from @phadreus

Discord ID: 687621837617758239

As I said he believes its going to get worse the moment its exposed to summer heat and will spread more because hay fever.

2020-03-12 11:20:50 UTC  

Yeah it’s fucking stupid i know

2020-03-12 11:20:53 UTC  

Millions of people are probably about to die lol

2020-03-12 11:21:00 UTC  

And people act like it isn't happening

2020-03-12 11:21:14 UTC  

Cognitive dissonance is fun

2020-03-12 11:21:27 UTC  

theres a difference between saying its not happening vs saying its not the end of the world

2020-03-12 11:21:35 UTC  

also there is likely lots of cases in Africa that aren't being reported

@phadreus Thats because people don't care as much about the elderly

2020-03-12 11:21:55 UTC  


2020-03-12 11:22:18 UTC  

First world countries are having issues diagnosing

2020-03-12 11:22:32 UTC  

The DRC is already having an epidemic of Ebola

2020-03-12 11:22:41 UTC  

for example the ere supposedly little to no cases in turkey i call bullshit on that

Where is in Italy they care a lot about the older generations, thats why there Prime Minster is trying to keep Venerable people safe, mind you shops have had to close.

2020-03-12 11:22:59 UTC  

Hello eberyone

2020-03-12 11:23:12 UTC  

Also when the fuck are bernie supporters not authoritarian basrards?

2020-03-12 11:23:19 UTC  

I bring you another episode of brazillian electrical instalations!

2020-03-12 11:23:23 UTC  

If a million people die in the US a year then it will collapse society, at least for awhile @Ayylmao

2020-03-12 11:23:28 UTC  

Be it the state or be it the mob, they support the supression of individual liberties

2020-03-12 11:23:41 UTC  

And I see reports claiming it could infect up to 100 million people

2020-03-12 11:24:00 UTC  

In today's episode: how to turn on the air conditioner

> And I see reports claiming it could infect up to 100 million people
Adolf Hitler: I killed millions during World War 2
Corona Chan: Hold my Corona Beer

2020-03-12 11:25:31 UTC  

Corona: Latin for Crown
Isis: Egyptian Goddess of love

There are many companies that have died because they named themselves innane things

2020-03-12 11:26:47 UTC  

people saying that "OOOH THE NUMBER OF CASES IN CHINA ARE DROPPING" are retards. The number of REPORTED cases are dropped, and that's becuase the CCP isn't bothering to count all of them because it's so fucked

2020-03-12 11:27:04 UTC  

dont think corona will take a noticeable hit after this other than general lowering of purchasing of non essential products

2020-03-12 11:27:30 UTC  

This is NOT a nothing burger

2020-03-12 11:27:39 UTC

2020-03-12 11:27:40 UTC  

Empty bun

2020-03-12 11:27:48 UTC  


Talk about taking advantage of the situation to make proffit

2020-03-12 11:28:33 UTC  

Just watching the world burn is enough to keep living

I agree

2020-03-12 11:28:46 UTC

oh look a SCP

2020-03-12 11:29:22 UTC  

cute boy post

2020-03-12 11:29:27 UTC  

Wow, this list escalated fast

Step 110 tell people not to stop your self catching Corona or your racist Virus Lives Matter

2020-03-12 11:30:53 UTC  

This shit is so tiring