Message from @Existence is identity
Discord ID: 507253342636867604
I mean if people follow Kants idea of we cant Reason what is Real they can use the philisophically in Political sense to Justify anything as nothing is Real since we cant reason it so violence hatred love passion injustice and justice are all figments
well to them none of that mattes
So thats perpetual choas
As no order exists
funny thing kant was a very bitter person when he died
because we created order so we dont mindlessly kill each other and survive as a speciesl
I can imagine
he probably was Cynical
thats a gay way to say it but I guess
before he died
theres many ways to phrase it
people being self interested isnt bad
im not very articulate with words i do grasp what most articulate people say . im more of a laymens term guy lol
But i fucking hate it if people say laymens terms and then some Fucking hobnob in the back is like . . THATS more Complex then thaaat .
your selfishness you see is what Nietzsche proposed
no its gay in thats not whats important
that depends on what you value
Thats why difference exists
explain value
first smart thing you said
@Kali Yuga something you hold that gives you pleasure
shallow and incomplete definition, you can do better
long term pleasure that is
thats a long sentence to explain something to you that you already understand
its what it is the complexity doesnt matter
lol im sure you are smarter then me when it comes to some things but im no intellectual sir .
@Existence is identity its important everyone is on same page before going deep
@Kali Yuga true but no need to make it more complex I gave you the definition
also i offer free economic red pill for Tim, he will land somewhere between neo-liberal/libertarian/conservative.
politics dont matter
yeah rright
philosophy is essential
politics barely matter compared to ideas
plus politics is a product of said idea