Message from @Grim James Hammerween
Discord ID: 334181405976297472
mind posting a translation?
@Displaced Armadillo
Summary : an israeli foreigner is the president of my country's central bank
Welcome to Safe Space 3! Please check the rules @wewuzvisigoths88.
To choose a role, type:
?centrist -> Centrist role
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@halafradrimx O Y V E Y
Just a coincidence I'm sure
I can't help but feel that wojak was based on this sculpture
Welcome to Safe Space 3! Please check the rules @Karl.
To choose a role, type:
?centrist -> Centrist role
?civicnationalist -> Civic Nationalist role
?libertarian -> Libertarian role
?needsvetting -> to get interviewed for membership
Membership lets you access the vetted voice channels and text chats. Do not request vetting unless you think you hold alt right ideals.
>no mention of spengler on this server
My copy has Yockey's face on it though
i have it in pdf and audio
oh I bought a hard copy
>not buying a hard copy
normie pls
but that was after I read half of the pdf
@wewuzvisigoths88 are you hispanic?
Also where are the new pepo from
Karl is from /pol/
I'm pretty old I was just inactive
I haven't been on /pol/ in like a week
its gotten too repetitive
also hello Dingo
>no one has said nigger since last thursday
wtf is going on in this chat
Its unvetted
We try to be polite
Hiding our power level
just stupid m9