Message from @GCMoney

Discord ID: 688260237240959006

2020-03-14 05:35:57 UTC  

I don't fucking know, there are too many god damn quizzes nowadays

2020-03-14 05:36:09 UTC  

Heilung Is an amazing band

2020-03-14 05:36:12 UTC  

i took it i forgot the site name

2020-03-14 05:36:25 UTC  

Anyone know a good quiz for sociosexual orientation? I think I did the old version the other night & got a score of 45, but I don't know how to actually *grade* that

2020-03-14 05:36:43 UTC  

@MoistBread i feel like i'm ascending to king of the proto-germanic tribes

2020-03-14 05:36:48 UTC  

I've hung out with socialists who think Trump is evil and Bernie is the hope for humanity. Besides their politics they were really nice. They just let the media and their echo chamber of friends and teachers run their thought life without objection

2020-03-14 05:36:49 UTC  


2020-03-14 05:37:03 UTC  

no thanks

2020-03-14 05:37:15 UTC  

> @MoistBread i feel like i'm ascending to king of the proto-germanic tribes
@Cryrosphere << the eternal *Nemtzii*

2020-03-14 05:37:36 UTC  


2020-03-14 05:37:45 UTC  

> Anyone know a good quiz for sociosexual orientation? I think I did the old version the other night & got a score of 45, but I don't know how to actually *grade* that
@Thundermark just show the 2 sets of chromosomes, with each appropriately labeled "male" and "female" and have a 1 checkbox answer to "Agree or disagree?"

2020-03-14 05:37:46 UTC  

what is that supposed to mean

2020-03-14 05:38:30 UTC  

What if its a chick with a dick <:smugay:593502151758708776>

2020-03-14 05:38:54 UTC  

Hey dont shame double sided dildos

2020-03-14 05:39:10 UTC  

On my way over to my handgun loicence test earlier, I noticed my Uber driver (a Hmong) had a MATH hat, and I (wearing my MAGA hat) asked him about it, and we had a nice, chill chat about politics and stuff

2020-03-14 05:39:52 UTC  

> @Thundermark just show the 2 sets of chromosomes, with each appropriately labeled "male" and "female" and have a 1 checkbox answer to "Agree or disagree?"
@GCMoney no, that's not what sociosexual orientation means

2020-03-14 05:39:56 UTC  

@Irreversal best of both worlds

2020-03-14 05:40:08 UTC  

@Thundermark yeah lol idk what it means

2020-03-14 05:40:12 UTC  


2020-03-14 05:40:20 UTC  

sociosexual orientation refers to one's orientation of monogamy vs non-monogamy

2020-03-14 05:40:27 UTC  

ahhh cool

2020-03-14 05:40:29 UTC  

i see

2020-03-14 05:40:33 UTC  


2020-03-14 05:40:34 UTC  

Eternal what m8 ?

2020-03-14 05:40:37 UTC  

I'm pro monogamy

2020-03-14 05:40:50 UTC  

Anti non-monogamy

2020-03-14 05:41:05 UTC  

Thunder mark I'm bored. Give me a good show to watch

2020-03-14 05:41:09 UTC  

@GCMoney yeah, mine changed from the former to the latter after my TBI (TBIs often can.... rewire ppl's sexual programming)

2020-03-14 05:41:09 UTC  

I'm socio-bisexual

2020-03-14 05:41:17 UTC  

But if non-monogamy makes some people happy, I could care less about what they do

2020-03-14 05:41:27 UTC  

@MoistBread debby does dallas

2020-03-14 05:41:29 UTC  

its weird bc if u embrace progressivism, non-monogamy reigns historically. But if you apply the logic that modern humanity has evolved cognitively, then you could say monogamy is more natural

2020-03-14 05:41:35 UTC  

Absolute self-determination, cunts.

2020-03-14 05:41:42 UTC  

Is it on YouTube ?

2020-03-14 05:41:47 UTC  

> I'm pro monogamy
> Anti non-monogamy
@Troye Yeah, for some of us, it's not exactly a choice. It's like *sexual* orientation - life chooses it for you

2020-03-14 05:41:50 UTC  

i doubt it

2020-03-14 05:41:54 UTC  

its porn

2020-03-14 05:42:00 UTC  

> But if non-monogamy makes some people happy, I could care less about what they do
@Troye because STDs and degneracy

2020-03-14 05:42:25 UTC  

I mean I care if I'm going to be with the other person

2020-03-14 05:42:38 UTC  

I meant people I'm not in a relationship with

2020-03-14 05:43:03 UTC  

> I meant people I'm not in a relationship with
@Troye thats an unnatural sentiment