Message from @Spyro69f
Discord ID: 341766174205542400
Let's just say if you go to Europe you don't see our problems
Granted our food industry isn't helping at all
Because I think the first is due to neglect or depression, the second is narcissism.
@unkukable im dutch
@flooz Who's your all-time favorite?
also, someone is really fast fat for me
Cut sugar, eliminate porn from your life, indefinate hyateus on drug use, stop smoking at all costs, and watch your quality of life go through the roof
in terms of aesthetics? hmm
young clint eastwood tbh
This got gay real fast
I have to admit... if I were Moose right now, I'd be getting tired of the non-stop advice coming my way, especially since I didn't ask for it.
Overall: get confident, get fascy, cut negativity, go out, meet people, and just DO IT FAGGOT. DO IT NOW.
@flooz You win.
@Spyro69f Fluuz is one of the kitchen people. That doesn't count.
Thanks for that context
Just like how YOU need vetting, apparently.
And I'm a based Hyperborean in a Trump hat
i have friends, i go out, wtf is fascy? i am confident its just woman im "fuck em' about, and im fit, except i smoke
Fascy= fascist
Do what I do, talk about hating (BLACK PEOPLE) and waiting with my fingers crossed for RaHoWa to begin.
i am, atleast i think i am, i dont have such a good understanding of fascims (fuck off i dont need explenation, its 4 am
(jk; go away, NSA)
ok yeah i dont do that
Ga weg AIVD
Where you from, Moose?
clint eastwood's son is quite the looker, too
@flooz I wish they put him in The Dark Tower.
im from the netherlands
But the problem is that Clint Eastwood is old, and Stephen King loves black people.
isnt clint eastwood a liberal?
He opposed Obama in the last two elections, so I dunno.
why is obama so loved btw, didnt he double the nations debt?
Because he's a dindu.
In a suit.
He killed more people than Bush did, but liberals polish his mocha colo