Message from @Osbornia

Discord ID: 689709036354142247

2020-03-18 05:34:39 UTC  

An isolated virus in a lab happens to match 1 for 1 a virus out in the wild in vitro

2020-03-18 05:34:51 UTC  

Sure it didn't come from the lab <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898> <:BIGBRAIN:501101491428392991>

2020-03-18 05:35:01 UTC  

Also. How many base pairs are these strands?

2020-03-18 05:35:08 UTC  


2020-03-18 05:35:14 UTC  

Fucking blob mountain

2020-03-18 05:35:21 UTC  

Just discussing flabdreus

2020-03-18 05:35:22 UTC  

Not a fucking clue I'm just recirculating information from actual pathologists and virologists

2020-03-18 05:35:49 UTC  

Though at this point I'm inclined to believe the guy cutting open Corona victims

2020-03-18 05:35:57 UTC  

There's a 99.9% chance that this was not a natural virus imo

2020-03-18 05:35:57 UTC  

Do you know about the 31 base AAA tail at the end of the virus?

2020-03-18 05:36:03 UTC  

Seems completely obvious

2020-03-18 05:36:03 UTC  

I dont disagree

2020-03-18 05:36:11 UTC  

Nobody cares

2020-03-18 05:36:11 UTC

2020-03-18 05:36:28 UTC  

I think it was just crispr edited, nothing too major just simple cut and paste genetics

2020-03-18 05:36:42 UTC  

Then through incompetence or malice it's gotten to the market

2020-03-18 05:36:54 UTC  

And well yeah then through malice it went worldwide

2020-03-18 05:37:03 UTC  

To take heat off chicoms

2020-03-18 05:37:07 UTC  

Did a little bit of research

2020-03-18 05:37:23 UTC  

Bats do carry a herpes virus

2020-03-18 05:37:28 UTC  


2020-03-18 05:37:47 UTC  

Okay so that could be natural in the bat stock they held

2020-03-18 05:37:53 UTC  


2020-03-18 05:37:58 UTC  

The Philadelphia police department rn

2020-03-18 05:38:00 UTC  

The HiV one is hard to explain though

2020-03-18 05:38:12 UTC

2020-03-18 05:38:13 UTC  

Aside from editing

2020-03-18 05:38:26 UTC  

Honestly I'm concerned about people who recover and have it lay dormant in the nerve clusters like hsv

2020-03-18 05:38:40 UTC  

If that's the case it means it will come back around anytime your immune system is lacking

2020-03-18 05:40:18 UTC  

That's not what's going on really. I don't think anyways

2020-03-18 05:40:41 UTC  

Some HsV strands wont dramatically change it's behavior

2020-03-18 05:40:59 UTC  

Or we'd be dealing with a herpes pandemic

2020-03-18 05:41:56 UTC  

No it literally lives in the nerve clusters like hsv does

2020-03-18 05:42:20 UTC  

Meaning even if you beat the damn thing it'll still be laying dormant in the nerves

2020-03-18 05:42:42 UTC  

Hence why people still shed a viral load weeks after recovery

2020-03-18 05:43:03 UTC  

Well there isn't enough data yet but from what I've seen coming from China and Italian data sets

2020-03-18 05:43:09 UTC  

Reinfection only seems to be happening in the elderly

2020-03-18 05:43:38 UTC  

I mean honestly this probably will solve the aging population

2020-03-18 05:43:54 UTC  

Thanks kind of China? You killed all our grandpappys

2020-03-18 05:44:01 UTC  

And a respiratory virus laying formant near nerve clusters is pretty good.

2020-03-18 05:44:09 UTC  

It's far from its host tissue