Message from @Cryrosphere

Discord ID: 695017173831123016

2020-04-01 21:07:53 UTC  


2020-04-01 21:07:55 UTC  

i used to watch dinosaur documentaries when i was like 8 i think but i'm not obnoxious about it

2020-04-01 21:08:07 UTC  

i just thought it was cool as shit

2020-04-01 21:08:11 UTC  

Land before time was the shit

2020-04-01 21:08:15 UTC  

They criticize religion yet blindly follow what some old fuck in a white coat will say

2020-04-01 21:08:20 UTC  

walking with dinosaurs/monsters

2020-04-01 21:08:33 UTC  

it's like Bernie "we'll do what the scientists say"

2020-04-01 21:08:38 UTC  

@Blaster Master You forgot the words “a different type of old fuck in a white coat”

2020-04-01 21:08:49 UTC  

Because they’re basically their priests. <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

2020-04-01 21:08:52 UTC  

which is just an empty platitude for "i don't know what the fuck i'm doing so i'll let a 'professional' help"

2020-04-01 21:08:54 UTC  

Anyone remember the cursed ‘Dinasaur’ movie with the lemurs

2020-04-01 21:09:05 UTC  

Fuck. I do.

2020-04-01 21:09:09 UTC  

me too

2020-04-01 21:09:17 UTC  

big dick carnosaur energy

2020-04-01 21:09:29 UTC  

you know science is a methodology and a very specific philosophy that does not follow the same lines as a religious ideaology. Right?

2020-04-01 21:09:31 UTC  


2020-04-01 21:09:32 UTC  

They think they're intelligent, and smarter than everyone. That's why redditors and most leftists have an extremely sassy attitude, always go for the intelligence and IQ insult

2020-04-01 21:09:47 UTC  

@Christmas Merlin we're talking about people who will rant and rave about religion

2020-04-01 21:09:48 UTC  


2020-04-01 21:09:56 UTC  


2020-04-01 21:10:07 UTC  

but then talk about science like it's the be-all end-all

2020-04-01 21:10:09 UTC  

anybody who bitches about science fundamentally does not understand the premise upon which it works, which is to be wrong mist fo the time so we know what is right.

2020-04-01 21:10:16 UTC  

oh mmk

2020-04-01 21:10:18 UTC  

im cluing in and out

2020-04-01 21:10:32 UTC  

That’s about right

2020-04-01 21:10:44 UTC  

Carnataurus* I fucked up

2020-04-01 21:10:48 UTC  

We barely know shit, nigga! Science is boring af in reality, it's not how it is in the movies or the vidya games

2020-04-01 21:10:48 UTC  

like the pretentious type who lump skeptics of climate change with anti-vaxx

2020-04-01 21:10:58 UTC  

You don't make lasers shoot things

2020-04-01 21:11:07 UTC  

Nah I was just making fun of how they pronounced it in movie

2020-04-01 21:11:24 UTC  

this is one of the reasons i deleted reddit

2020-04-01 21:11:29 UTC  

trust me, go on the news on reddit

2020-04-01 21:11:35 UTC  

it's all orange man bad shit

2020-04-01 21:12:03 UTC  

reddit is a cess-pool of self-patting, pseudo-intelectual elitists

2020-04-01 21:12:08 UTC  

with giant ego's

2020-04-01 21:12:21 UTC  

Sock puppet accounts and red pills are a fun way to screw with redditors

2020-04-01 21:12:46 UTC  

oh i would get shit constantly in r/teenagers

2020-04-01 21:12:51 UTC  

for saying shit

2020-04-01 21:12:56 UTC  

it was delightful

2020-04-01 21:12:57 UTC  

‘But that’s just your opinion dude’

2020-04-01 21:13:16 UTC  

i hate fence-sitting deflections like that