Message from @Christmas Merlin

Discord ID: 695018173073850388

2020-04-01 21:11:24 UTC  

this is one of the reasons i deleted reddit

2020-04-01 21:11:29 UTC  

trust me, go on the news on reddit

2020-04-01 21:11:35 UTC  

it's all orange man bad shit

2020-04-01 21:12:03 UTC  

reddit is a cess-pool of self-patting, pseudo-intelectual elitists

2020-04-01 21:12:08 UTC  

with giant ego's

2020-04-01 21:12:21 UTC  

Sock puppet accounts and red pills are a fun way to screw with redditors

2020-04-01 21:12:46 UTC  

oh i would get shit constantly in r/teenagers

2020-04-01 21:12:51 UTC  

for saying shit

2020-04-01 21:12:56 UTC  

it was delightful

2020-04-01 21:12:57 UTC  

‘But that’s just your opinion dude’

2020-04-01 21:13:16 UTC  

i hate fence-sitting deflections like that

2020-04-01 21:13:18 UTC

2020-04-01 21:13:24 UTC  

Rustling jimmies isn’t easy work but it’s honest

2020-04-01 21:13:37 UTC  

what? it is easy

2020-04-01 21:13:43 UTC  

especially on reddit just tell the truth

2020-04-01 21:13:44 UTC  

like with how H3H3 saying that idubbbz just "wants to support his girlfriend"

2020-04-01 21:13:46 UTC  

‘The truth is always somewhere in the middle’

2020-04-01 21:13:51 UTC  

or when people say that

2020-04-01 21:13:59 UTC  

"it's his life, you don't control them"

2020-04-01 21:14:05 UTC  

Filthy centrists

2020-04-01 21:14:05 UTC  

h3h3 is a jew, a shift greedy one that fits the nazi sterotype.

2020-04-01 21:14:12 UTC  

@Cryrosphere He literally called the opposition "incels"

2020-04-01 21:14:19 UTC  

God I fucking hate that word

2020-04-01 21:14:28 UTC  


2020-04-01 21:14:29 UTC  

like h3h3 is probably the kind fo jew that thinks degeneracy is a weapon to put on other people

2020-04-01 21:14:32 UTC  

while failing to recognize Idubbbz has been making criticisms of people's private lives as well

2020-04-01 21:14:45 UTC  

yeah being anti-hedonist is apparently "incel"

2020-04-01 21:14:46 UTC  

I hate the lack of judgement platitudes until someone breaks the matrix

2020-04-01 21:14:57 UTC  

ethan with these room temperature takes

2020-04-01 21:14:57 UTC  

He tweeted something like "chad army raise against the incel" bruh how the fuck is being a cuck chad?

2020-04-01 21:14:58 UTC  


2020-04-01 21:15:05 UTC  

just wear a plain red baseball cap

2020-04-01 21:15:08 UTC  

see what happens

2020-04-01 21:15:15 UTC  

how the fuck is letting your girlfriend sell herself for money

2020-04-01 21:15:20 UTC  

a "chad" thing to do

2020-04-01 21:15:37 UTC  

it'd be different if they posted videos of them fucking i guess

2020-04-01 21:15:46 UTC  

if she had a father in her life hed probably knock the shit oput of idubbz for letting ti happen

2020-04-01 21:15:48 UTC  

because at least that can be justified as "showing off"

2020-04-01 21:15:53 UTC  

I’m buying three just to see how people in my local democrat hellscape react

2020-04-01 21:16:07 UTC  

I’ll cough at them if they try to start shit too

2020-04-01 21:16:25 UTC