Message from @Cryrosphere

Discord ID: 687500284259205122

2020-03-12 03:17:20 UTC  

you don't 'debate leftists'

2020-03-12 03:17:23 UTC  

ok that's fair

2020-03-12 03:17:32 UTC  

you either trash talk them, or bash in their skulls

2020-03-12 03:17:34 UTC  

@ManAnimal you kinda have to?

2020-03-12 03:17:40 UTC  

that's how progress is achieved?

2020-03-12 03:17:40 UTC  

no, you do not

2020-03-12 03:17:45 UTC  

culture and politics

2020-03-12 03:18:11 UTC  

only a FOOL tries to use a logical argument to convince a hungry bear that smells the candy bar in your pocket

2020-03-12 03:18:41 UTC  

the left has been able to fuck with people and get away with it for too long

2020-03-12 03:18:44 UTC  

if after a certain point a person does not concede i give up

2020-03-12 03:18:53 UTC  

because it's clear that it's a waste of my time

2020-03-12 03:19:08 UTC  

until you show them they can't get away with it, debate is a waste of energy with them

2020-03-12 03:19:11 UTC  

you have experienced this yourself after i just up and left because of your anti-anime spiel

2020-03-12 03:19:17 UTC  

Alright, let's do politics on student loans. The current system prevents filing bankrupcy for federal student loans - which when affixed with competitively high interest rates, prevent graduates in fields earning less than 60k annually from repaying a 100k loan in a 7 year timespan.

2020-03-12 03:19:42 UTC  

yeah, so?

2020-03-12 03:20:04 UTC  

This has perpetuated the student debt crisis, which currently totals 1.2 billion dollars. Republicans have failed to implement any correction to this cancerous system, while Democrats have proposed a plethora of viable options.

2020-03-12 03:20:05 UTC  

and who serves as the CLEARHOUSE for those loans?

2020-03-12 03:20:28 UTC  

@Mersenne what viable options

2020-03-12 03:20:31 UTC  

i mean you dont have to get a loan

2020-03-12 03:20:38 UTC  

the democrats will tank the economy

2020-03-12 03:20:40 UTC  

all i've heard is Bernie saying that he'll pay for it entirely

2020-03-12 03:20:53 UTC  

and then then having loans will be a good thing

2020-03-12 03:21:11 UTC  

if loans are getting paid pay them all or pay none

2020-03-12 03:21:17 UTC  

the best thing i thought was just freezing the loan system entirely so that students can pay and colleges will be forced to lower admission prices

2020-03-12 03:21:19 UTC  

when you have debt, it' sgood whent he fucking currency is inflated

2020-03-12 03:21:27 UTC  

Removing federal student loan interest, instituting a moratorium on payments, and having loans forgiven entirely. None of these options have been entertained by the Republican majority Senate, perpetuating the problem.

2020-03-12 03:21:36 UTC  

just do like we have no interest as long as you work in the country

2020-03-12 03:21:47 UTC  

and were do you suppose they will get the money for this?

2020-03-12 03:21:52 UTC  

what is moratorium

2020-03-12 03:21:58 UTC  

i'm not the best with econ

2020-03-12 03:22:00 UTC  

you cant just clear the loans

2020-03-12 03:22:06 UTC  

so please forgive me

2020-03-12 03:22:08 UTC  

Affixing interest rates to student loans is a detriment as you're simply crippling the next generation of the work force.

2020-03-12 03:22:18 UTC  

Moratorium is essentially a "pause" on payments

2020-03-12 03:22:24 UTC  

a 'halt' on the loan, meaning forget they exist for awhile

2020-03-12 03:22:48 UTC  

@Mersenne that is just another form of capital injection

2020-03-12 03:22:49 UTC  

yeah i think we should just freeze em and wait until they are paid off then scrap it entirely

2020-03-12 03:23:00 UTC  

we are out of time and assets for that

2020-03-12 03:23:04 UTC  

forcing colleges to lower prices

2020-03-12 03:23:28 UTC  

any attempt to do that will cause people to sell off asseets to free up liqidity

2020-03-12 03:23:29 UTC  

the only reason collage is so expensive is cause the banks WILL give out that much cash