Message from @Cryrosphere

Discord ID: 687501126769180701

2020-03-12 03:21:19 UTC  

when you have debt, it' sgood whent he fucking currency is inflated

2020-03-12 03:21:27 UTC  

Removing federal student loan interest, instituting a moratorium on payments, and having loans forgiven entirely. None of these options have been entertained by the Republican majority Senate, perpetuating the problem.

2020-03-12 03:21:36 UTC  

just do like we have no interest as long as you work in the country

2020-03-12 03:21:47 UTC  

and were do you suppose they will get the money for this?

2020-03-12 03:21:52 UTC  

what is moratorium

2020-03-12 03:21:58 UTC  

i'm not the best with econ

2020-03-12 03:22:00 UTC  

you cant just clear the loans

2020-03-12 03:22:06 UTC  

so please forgive me

2020-03-12 03:22:08 UTC  

Affixing interest rates to student loans is a detriment as you're simply crippling the next generation of the work force.

2020-03-12 03:22:18 UTC  

Moratorium is essentially a "pause" on payments

2020-03-12 03:22:24 UTC  

a 'halt' on the loan, meaning forget they exist for awhile

2020-03-12 03:22:48 UTC  

@Mersenne that is just another form of capital injection

2020-03-12 03:22:49 UTC  

yeah i think we should just freeze em and wait until they are paid off then scrap it entirely

2020-03-12 03:23:00 UTC  

we are out of time and assets for that

2020-03-12 03:23:04 UTC  

forcing colleges to lower prices

2020-03-12 03:23:28 UTC  

any attempt to do that will cause people to sell off asseets to free up liqidity

2020-03-12 03:23:29 UTC  

the only reason collage is so expensive is cause the banks WILL give out that much cash

2020-03-12 03:23:36 UTC  

@Big Krunkus - So there's your argument. Republicans have implemented no meaningful legislation to alleviate the student debt crisis, while Democrats are constantly pushing proposals to give graduates the opportunity to succeed in the workforce.

2020-03-12 03:23:43 UTC  

that sell off will result in the currency inflation skyrocketing

2020-03-12 03:23:58 UTC  

whilst i don't think the dem plans are exactly good

2020-03-12 03:24:01 UTC  

they're better than nothing

2020-03-12 03:24:06 UTC  


2020-03-12 03:24:20 UTC  

how will it result in inflation

2020-03-12 03:24:22 UTC  

nothing is what we should have done AGES ago

2020-03-12 03:24:27 UTC  


2020-03-12 03:24:31 UTC  

Why don't we just make the billionaires pay for it

2020-03-12 03:24:41 UTC  

you know how many people will get alienated if students get all there debts cleared

2020-03-12 03:24:49 UTC  

AND let the interest rate rise

2020-03-12 03:25:00 UTC  

@Big Krunkus who is the arbiter of who gets to pay for someone else's debt

2020-03-12 03:25:07 UTC  

billionaires will pay for it untill they move to another country

2020-03-12 03:25:21 UTC  

Uh, why not me?

2020-03-12 03:25:28 UTC  

hence my argument @Mentrex

2020-03-12 03:25:39 UTC  

oh i fully agree

2020-03-12 03:25:43 UTC  

why let intrests rise?

2020-03-12 03:25:45 UTC  

companies holding that debt will think the gov is coming for their shit

2020-03-12 03:25:49 UTC  

isn't that a bad thing?

2020-03-12 03:25:54 UTC  

and start selling their shit like mad

2020-03-12 03:25:56 UTC  

but im more you signed on the line man up to what you did

2020-03-12 03:26:16 UTC  

the banks are predatory

2020-03-12 03:26:24 UTC  

@Big Krunkus - There's currently 607 billionaires in the United States. Taxing 5% of the wealth from any *single* member of the top 10 on the Forbes 400 list would result in the repayment of all US student loans, which could be incentivized by tax breaks.

2020-03-12 03:26:44 UTC  

they are billionairs only cause of the stocks they hold