Message from @ManAnimal

Discord ID: 688715480394891304

2020-03-15 11:47:36 UTC  

@ManAnimal Just scroll up and watch your own sperging over a fucking theoretical pole

2020-03-15 11:47:42 UTC  

@Blaster Master And it's mostly due to age.

2020-03-15 11:47:47 UTC  

you are all spergs the embodiment of autism

2020-03-15 11:47:53 UTC  

says all the autistic kids @Seven Proxies about those acting as tard-guards

2020-03-15 11:48:07 UTC  

@Goddess Tyche he's deffinately malding

2020-03-15 11:48:11 UTC  

@Goddess Tyche skipped a whole generation

2020-03-15 11:48:12 UTC  


2020-03-15 11:48:14 UTC  

it's when you're mad and balding

2020-03-15 11:48:32 UTC  

it's not like your parents ever raised their voice to you

2020-03-15 11:48:36 UTC  


2020-03-15 11:48:48 UTC  

and if you called them 'spergs' they wouldn't have done jack shit

2020-03-15 11:48:56 UTC  

@ManAnimal Tell me then, how much do you really care about your fellow man? :)

When do you donate to charities? When do you work in soup kitchens for free? When do you help out at hospitals?

2020-03-15 11:48:59 UTC  

My parents beat the shit out of me

2020-03-15 11:49:02 UTC  

I love them

2020-03-15 11:49:06 UTC  

My dad used to beat my ass for getting my ass beat by bullies

2020-03-15 11:49:06 UTC  

i'm a man, you fuck tard

2020-03-15 11:49:08 UTC  


2020-03-15 11:49:17 UTC  

i don't 'talk' about such shit

2020-03-15 11:49:18 UTC  
2020-03-15 11:49:22 UTC  

@ManAnimal When do you take in the homeless stranger to give him accomodations to the point where he can get back on his own two feet?

2020-03-15 11:49:26 UTC  

my ACTIONS are what matter

2020-03-15 11:49:38 UTC  

you just talk...

2020-03-15 11:49:46 UTC  

it's all you know...

2020-03-15 11:49:50 UTC  

MA shut up

2020-03-15 11:49:50 UTC  

seven u have a brain of 7yo

2020-03-15 11:49:52 UTC  


2020-03-15 11:50:03 UTC  


2020-03-15 11:50:15 UTC  

I don't care about the argument these guys are having MA's boomersim is killing me

2020-03-15 11:50:21 UTC  

Watch out around ninja

2020-03-15 11:50:25 UTC  

@ManAnimal You're on here TALKING far more often than I am bro 😄

2020-03-15 11:50:25 UTC  


2020-03-15 11:50:32 UTC  

Actually, I revise my statement:

stong men create good times (greatest generation)
(silent generation)
good times create weak men (boomers)
weak men create bad times (millenials)
Bad times create strong men (generation alpha)

2020-03-15 11:50:33 UTC  

tough love, not hand-outs

2020-03-15 11:50:45 UTC  

It skips a generation

2020-03-15 11:50:47 UTC  

not something an autist would comprehend

2020-03-15 11:50:47 UTC  

I'm the one going to work tomorrow too, when the rest of the country is scared shitless and call in sick

2020-03-15 11:51:00 UTC  

@Goddess Tyche alpha is even worse trust me

2020-03-15 11:51:10 UTC  

gen z will never grow

2020-03-15 11:51:10 UTC  

they're all spoiled

2020-03-15 11:51:17 UTC  

I am a zoomer

2020-03-15 11:51:24 UTC  
