Message from @Son of Rome

Discord ID: 691368791241654344

2020-03-22 19:30:00 UTC  


2020-03-22 19:30:02 UTC  

everybody else is fine

2020-03-22 19:30:07 UTC  

he calls people kikes, and actual kike non kikes

2020-03-22 19:30:09 UTC  

That's because everyone here is a kike <:sarGOY:462286263622303754>

2020-03-22 19:30:11 UTC  

how can you call yourself democratic when it is ruled out when a majority of the people want to install a fascist government?

2020-03-22 19:30:14 UTC  

@Cody What are you talking about how does that negate anything i just said retard

2020-03-22 19:30:17 UTC  

seems like he himself is a kike

2020-03-22 19:30:27 UTC  

@Blaster Master I know you are, but what am I?

2020-03-22 19:30:45 UTC  

@SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck a mere figment of my imagination

2020-03-22 19:30:57 UTC  

@Blaster Master Yes, I am a figment of your imagination

2020-03-22 19:31:00 UTC  


2020-03-22 19:31:02 UTC  

If ignorance is bliss, you must be extatic

2020-03-22 19:31:06 UTC

2020-03-22 19:31:09 UTC  


2020-03-22 19:31:27 UTC  

fascism should be as much an option to choose from like conservatism, socialism and communism.

2020-03-22 19:32:07 UTC  

banning a party for it's ideas is censorship

2020-03-22 19:32:10 UTC  

Fuck me my right eye was bleeding yesterday and it still fucking hurts

2020-03-22 19:32:26 UTC  

Wake up, Jonathan. This is your wife, Janie. The doctor told us you can hear us. Please, come back. It's been 2 years since the accident. Alice and Wade miss you, Jonathan. Please, just wake up @SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck

2020-03-22 19:32:34 UTC  

@David[147IQ] JIDF Nah. I **will** throw you off a building though, you fucking fag

2020-03-22 19:32:41 UTC  

@Blaster Master Wake up, Jonathan. This is your wife, Janie. The doctor told us you can hear us. Please, come back. It's been 2 years since the accident. Alice and Wade miss you, Jonathan. Please, just wake up

2020-03-22 19:32:44 UTC  

@Naantje That's what I'm saying!

2020-03-22 19:33:17 UTC  

Loremaster seems to be in an endless struggle against himself

2020-03-22 19:33:22 UTC  

Why are Americans so freely allowed to speak about the perks/benefits of Socialism, communism etc etc but Fascism is taboo?

2020-03-22 19:33:24 UTC  

Makes no sense

2020-03-22 19:33:34 UTC  

I am just gonna keep my right eye closed for awhile

2020-03-22 19:33:41 UTC  

Because of six million

2020-03-22 19:33:43 UTC  

1st amendment only applies if your ideas arent too contradictory I guess. <:pot_of_kek:544849795433496586>

2020-03-22 19:33:47 UTC  
2020-03-22 19:33:56 UTC  

@Kealor Only retards equate Fascism to National Socialism

2020-03-22 19:34:00 UTC  

Retards and jews*

2020-03-22 19:34:00 UTC  

oy vey

2020-03-22 19:34:10 UTC  

shut it down!
the goyim know!

2020-03-22 19:34:15 UTC  

Why did exactly six million have to die <:why:462286147473637407>

2020-03-22 19:34:20 UTC  

It's not fair

2020-03-22 19:34:26 UTC  

6 gorrlion actually

2020-03-22 19:34:34 UTC  

@Kealor 8 goyrillion

2020-03-22 19:34:37 UTC  

MasterRace, I suggest you get yourself a soap box and preach the benefits of fascism.
No national socialism, but true fascism - everything by the state, from the state, through the state.
Ofcourse, get yourself some proper body guards as well

2020-03-22 19:34:38 UTC  

now swallow the guilt pill, whitey

2020-03-22 19:34:44 UTC  

@Kealor Don't you mean the 6 TRILLION, you anti-semite racist!?

2020-03-22 19:34:51 UTC  
