Message from @Son of Rome

Discord ID: 691369610183966770

2020-03-22 19:34:10 UTC  

shut it down!
the goyim know!

2020-03-22 19:34:15 UTC  

Why did exactly six million have to die <:why:462286147473637407>

2020-03-22 19:34:20 UTC  

It's not fair

2020-03-22 19:34:26 UTC  

6 gorrlion actually

2020-03-22 19:34:34 UTC  

@Kealor 8 goyrillion

2020-03-22 19:34:37 UTC  

MasterRace, I suggest you get yourself a soap box and preach the benefits of fascism.
No national socialism, but true fascism - everything by the state, from the state, through the state.
Ofcourse, get yourself some proper body guards as well

2020-03-22 19:34:38 UTC  

now swallow the guilt pill, whitey

2020-03-22 19:34:44 UTC  

@Kealor Don't you mean the 6 TRILLION, you anti-semite racist!?

2020-03-22 19:34:51 UTC  


2020-03-22 19:34:53 UTC  

@Kealor Why did the 6 million have to die? I don't know, ask the 60 million that died? Maybe the 600 million who died know that answer. So make sure to ask the 6 billion who died

2020-03-22 19:34:57 UTC  

@Naantje <:pot_of_kek:544849795433496586>

2020-03-22 19:35:12 UTC  


2020-03-22 19:35:21 UTC  

My voice is only heard on my university campus, but I've got a decent group chat going from students ive redpilled

2020-03-22 19:35:27 UTC  

Like orwell has stated: If liberty means anything at all, it means telling another person that which they do not want to hear

2020-03-22 19:35:33 UTC  

We have 90 people, but uni refuses to let us make it a club

2020-03-22 19:35:40 UTC  


2020-03-22 19:35:53 UTC  

Just call it a jew club or something

2020-03-22 19:35:54 UTC  

@Son of Rome No club for the uni Männerbund?

2020-03-22 19:36:00 UTC  


2020-03-22 19:36:18 UTC  

I wouldve pushed harder if I was a freshman or sophmore, but I've literally got 2 terms left till I graduate

2020-03-22 19:36:24 UTC  

Cant be asked

2020-03-22 19:36:26 UTC  

Just a party founded on full-blown fascism.

2020-03-22 19:36:32 UTC  

And then beat the politicians in debates

2020-03-22 19:36:38 UTC  

The Semitic Migration Pattern Study club

2020-03-22 19:36:54 UTC  

@Naantje Most people dont support it simply because of the anti fascist propaganda/ignorance that surrounds the ideology

2020-03-22 19:36:54 UTC

2020-03-22 19:37:04 UTC  

90 people?! Damn that's a big group

2020-03-22 19:37:20 UTC  

Shouldnt stop you from preaching it on the streets

2020-03-22 19:37:26 UTC  


2020-03-22 19:37:33 UTC

2020-03-22 19:37:34 UTC  

Would get jumped by 6 black dudes tho

2020-03-22 19:37:43 UTC  

Thats why you get yourself some security

2020-03-22 19:37:44 UTC  

Maybe I'll start FSU black shirts

2020-03-22 19:37:54 UTC  


2020-03-22 19:38:14 UTC  

Ey this nigga tryna take nah welfare n sheeeiiiit

2020-03-22 19:38:28 UTC  

@Kealor Essentially

2020-03-22 19:38:35 UTC  

That or "Yhur a racist, oogabooga"

2020-03-22 19:38:56 UTC  
