Message from @Scale_e

Discord ID: 694326616347770941

2020-03-30 23:22:13 UTC  

Well, maybe not socialist

2020-03-30 23:22:17 UTC  

Caste based

2020-03-30 23:22:18 UTC  

They’re class based

2020-03-30 23:22:47 UTC  

But still. “The greater good” is a very denial-of-the-individual, collectivist ideology.

2020-03-30 23:22:49 UTC  

Fun fact: 8th ed Tau can't take allies

2020-03-30 23:23:00 UTC  


2020-03-30 23:23:13 UTC  

Because 7th ed Taudar was aids

2020-03-30 23:23:25 UTC  

What? No Kroot or sub races anymore?

2020-03-30 23:23:43 UTC  

Kroot/Vespid are rolled into Tau

2020-03-30 23:23:55 UTC  

But no Guard allies or anything like that

2020-03-30 23:24:14 UTC  

But the whole “Come and join the Tau.” Was... sorta their whole gimmick.

2020-03-30 23:24:19 UTC

2020-03-30 23:24:31 UTC  

Gameplay reasons

2020-03-30 23:24:46 UTC  

Tau with allies becomes gay real quick

2020-03-30 23:24:57 UTC  


2020-03-30 23:25:11 UTC  

“Balance” the lore right out of the universe.

2020-03-30 23:25:24 UTC  

That will be wonderful long term.

2020-03-30 23:25:26 UTC  

I mean for the most part this edition has actually been pretty good

2020-03-30 23:25:46 UTC  

Almost every army has an actually viable tournament list

2020-03-30 23:25:53 UTC  

I don’t even play 40k. For me it’s literally only about the lore.

2020-03-30 23:26:05 UTC  

40k is truly epic.

2020-03-30 23:26:12 UTC  

Figuratively and literally.

2020-03-30 23:26:19 UTC  

It’s a fkn masterpiece.

2020-03-30 23:27:01 UTC  

Orks ftw.

2020-03-30 23:27:17 UTC  

Orks, Tau and Necrons cant take allies

2020-03-30 23:27:43 UTC  

Nids only with GSC
Imperium with itself
Chaos with itself

2020-03-30 23:27:51 UTC  

Yea, i dont play it but I love the lore

2020-03-30 23:28:06 UTC  

Aeldari with itself

2020-03-30 23:28:12 UTC

2020-03-30 23:28:21 UTC  

2020-03-30 23:28:37 UTC  

What'd Kealor do :(

2020-03-30 23:28:46 UTC  

Probably defended Tau

2020-03-30 23:28:51 UTC  

Did it actually say "don't ban please"?

2020-03-30 23:28:52 UTC  

That’ll do it

2020-03-30 23:28:57 UTC  

So I have question you have a time machine to sight seeing what places you wanna go see

2020-03-30 23:29:15 UTC  

Next week.

2020-03-30 23:29:18 UTC  

*the 41st millennium*
- said no one ever

2020-03-30 23:29:18 UTC  

Also GW renaming Tau to T'au and eldar to Aeldari is gay as fuck

2020-03-30 23:29:20 UTC  

Check lotto numbers

2020-03-30 23:29:27 UTC  

1942 Paris during the Nazi victory parade @count larisch

2020-03-30 23:29:34 UTC  

That's due to licensing reasons