Message from @Termer

Discord ID: 510356810046242816

2018-11-09 07:32:24 UTC  

Yeah, looks cool

2018-11-09 07:32:36 UTC  

Is this C?

2018-11-09 07:33:13 UTC  

It's a C like langauge.

2018-11-09 07:33:24 UTC  

You can learn it really quickly.

2018-11-09 07:33:42 UTC  

And many games and graphics applications use GLSL shaders.

2018-11-09 07:33:51 UTC  

You can just copy paste most code into Unity and it will work.

2018-11-09 07:33:56 UTC  

Have you seen Armory game engine?

2018-11-09 07:34:03 UTC  

It looks super trippy when you put this on models.

2018-11-09 07:34:10 UTC  

What is armory engine again?

2018-11-09 07:34:24 UTC  

ohhhhh! for blender

2018-11-09 07:34:24 UTC  

A new Blender game Engine

2018-11-09 07:34:27 UTC  


2018-11-09 07:34:36 UTC  

I used it when it came out, but it was kind of ... derpy to use.

2018-11-09 07:34:42 UTC  

I'm super excited for it

2018-11-09 07:34:48 UTC  

I hope it's good.

2018-11-09 07:35:02 UTC  

I want to use it, but I'm not very experienced in game development at all

2018-11-09 07:35:05 UTC  

The new Blender is really, really good.

2018-11-09 07:35:09 UTC  

Although I use Blender almost daily

2018-11-09 07:35:14 UTC  

for video editing

2018-11-09 07:35:30 UTC  

Just do one tutorial and you can usually wrap your head around all the concepts.

2018-11-09 07:35:45 UTC  

I did some Unity tuts years ago

2018-11-09 07:35:52 UTC  

but I didn't grasp it fully

2018-11-09 07:35:55 UTC  

Sargon makes a really good point.

2018-11-09 07:36:13 UTC  

For too many people it's just about stupid Internet drama. They do not see the bigger picture.

2018-11-09 07:36:27 UTC  

What are you referring to?

2018-11-09 07:36:28 UTC  

I go on about SJWs and what is happening to science, because of the things it affects.

2018-11-09 07:36:35 UTC  

The stream that scribbs posted.

2018-11-09 07:36:39 UTC  


2018-11-09 07:36:48 UTC  

perhaps an inb4 is in order

2018-11-09 07:36:50 UTC  

I really hate it how shortsighted many content creators are.

2018-11-09 07:37:11 UTC  

You can tell that Sargon sees a bigger purpose in it, which is evident from him getting involved with UKIP.

2018-11-09 07:37:24 UTC  

He is pointing out how people are "tired of making fun of SJWs"

2018-11-09 07:37:40 UTC  

Well, if it was just about making fun about SJWs for you, you completely missed the point!

2018-11-09 07:37:53 UTC  

I have seen people go to jail or prison over SJW policies.

2018-11-09 07:38:06 UTC  

Look at the shit that happened to Gregoy Elliott in Canada.

2018-11-09 07:38:19 UTC  

If I had lost access to the Internet for 3 years, my life would be over.

2018-11-09 07:38:21 UTC  

Yes, it's not good, but when you're far removed, it can look like drama

2018-11-09 07:38:24 UTC  

I would probably not be able to get another job.

2018-11-09 07:38:54 UTC  

So, I absolutely fucking hate people for whom this is just entertainment. They just don't get what this is about.

2018-11-09 07:39:04 UTC  

I love the internet too much to leave it for such a long time.

2018-11-09 07:39:07 UTC  

Well, I don't hate THEM, per se, but that attitude.