Message from @Misomania

Discord ID: 510656301529825290

2018-11-10 03:23:47 UTC  

from that county, from november 7th

2018-11-10 03:23:53 UTC  

and just call it a day on that one

2018-11-10 03:24:10 UTC  

there is no telling how many republican votes were destroyed, so you cannot take it normally anyway. That means either no vote or a complete redo

2018-11-10 03:24:13 UTC  

vote didnt get counted the first time? stop re-electing corrupt or incompetent officials

2018-11-10 03:24:24 UTC  

odds are if the election officials are corrupt that they've destroyed the ballots that could reproduce that original number

2018-11-10 03:24:26 UTC  

they were caught with boxes of ballots in car trunks after all, remember?

2018-11-10 03:24:27 UTC  

both would be bad

2018-11-10 03:24:35 UTC  

shes been sued for destroying the ballots before

2018-11-10 03:24:45 UTC  

Kind of hard to vote out corrupt people when they're rigging the elections lol

2018-11-10 03:24:46 UTC  

i mean one of the first things you want to do to cover your ass is to destroy the evidence

2018-11-10 03:24:57 UTC  

fair point chane

2018-11-10 03:25:02 UTC  

destroy the real ballots that can prove you've committed fraud

2018-11-10 03:25:14 UTC  

and that means the only thing to do is either redo it all with extreme oversight or to throw it all out

2018-11-10 03:25:16 UTC  

i mean a redo would still cause a republican loss probably

2018-11-10 03:25:21 UTC  

unless it was state wide

2018-11-10 03:25:25 UTC  

then you can recount and recount as much as you want and the fraud still sticks

2018-11-10 03:25:34 UTC  

yeah thats my issue

2018-11-10 03:25:35 UTC  

they'd be carting off people in comas to vote for a redo

2018-11-10 03:25:41 UTC  

tossing out ballots and bringing in new ones

2018-11-10 03:25:45 UTC  

then saying "every vote counted"

2018-11-10 03:25:49 UTC  

@Kyle Judkins the areas was always 2 to 1 democrat, these are closer to 5 to 1 iirc

2018-11-10 03:25:49 UTC  

is what the fucking left is doing

2018-11-10 03:25:59 UTC  

yeah i know miso

2018-11-10 03:26:03 UTC  

i know fraud is the case

2018-11-10 03:26:09 UTC  

i believe it's possible for the AG to refuse to certify the results but it depends on whether or not she has the stones to take it that far.

2018-11-10 03:26:14 UTC  

as a centris

2018-11-10 03:26:17 UTC  

this is bullshit

2018-11-10 03:26:28 UTC  

and basically, even more moderates are not going to go left after this

2018-11-10 03:26:34 UTC  

the state just swing slightly to the right

2018-11-10 03:26:53 UTC  

i hope she does

2018-11-10 03:27:02 UTC  

and if people get in an uproar

2018-11-10 03:27:07 UTC  

blame your local election officials

2018-11-10 03:27:10 UTC  

for completely fucking it up

2018-11-10 03:27:37 UTC  

intentionally fucking it up to as their own lawyers stated 'win this election'

2018-11-10 03:27:55 UTC  

idk though

2018-11-10 03:27:58 UTC  

i have liberals on facebook

2018-11-10 03:28:00 UTC  

parroting that shit

2018-11-10 03:28:03 UTC  

they have the clinton lawyers behind all this admitting that

2018-11-10 03:28:05 UTC  

"every vote should count"

2018-11-10 03:28:20 UTC  

"even the ones that don't"

2018-11-10 03:28:24 UTC  

yeah i mean