Message from @taekahn

Discord ID: 513737553535565864

2018-11-18 15:20:08 UTC  

no wonder corruption got hold of them

2018-11-18 15:20:16 UTC  

They are only Pro black

2018-11-18 15:20:18 UTC  

corruption is the ultimate enemy of the people

2018-11-18 15:20:20 UTC  

the minoritys like me get fucked

2018-11-18 15:20:35 UTC  

if your not a communist or a party member your not a comrade or a citizen

2018-11-18 15:20:41 UTC  

The stigma goes

2018-11-18 15:21:15 UTC  

And yet our people voted for a President with 175 charges of corruption Rape racketeering and extortion because they want the wellfare

2018-11-18 15:21:30 UTC  

Thats all its about at this point

2018-11-18 15:21:49 UTC  

the selling point of each ellection thus far was race based. if you dont vote for ANC you get no wellfare and apartheid comes bck

2018-11-18 15:21:54 UTC  

thats all they keep spouting

2018-11-18 15:22:07 UTC  

Corruption is so much harder to deal with when there isn't a good system in place

2018-11-18 15:22:23 UTC  

The parliamentry system we have is amazing for weeding out corruption

2018-11-18 15:22:26 UTC  

albeit it still exists

2018-11-18 15:22:42 UTC  

It's basically been neutered and the only way people get into power is with votes

2018-11-18 15:22:47 UTC  

People now who are prominent figures are saying it was better in apartheid because we had jobs homes and our economy was strong. even if it was racist they had better education and quality of life

2018-11-18 15:23:11 UTC  

Now its a free for all with a massive crime increase in violent attacks

2018-11-18 15:24:18 UTC  

If we had national Unity on the bases that we are all of the same country things would have been better.

2018-11-18 15:26:19 UTC  

@MysticEyes💕 so whats up with this Brexit referendum ?

2018-11-18 15:26:30 UTC  

is Corbyn also onboard with this ?

2018-11-18 15:29:25 UTC  

He's completely shat on the current deal and has proposed his own

2018-11-18 15:29:37 UTC

2018-11-18 15:29:39 UTC  

Well the current Deal i heard and read is to keep the UK in the EU

2018-11-18 15:29:42 UTC  

and he's completely against a second referendum

2018-11-18 15:29:42 UTC  

so that's good

2018-11-18 15:29:46 UTC  


2018-11-18 15:29:51 UTC  

ITs bullshit tactics

2018-11-18 15:29:56 UTC  

the current deal is a prostitutes agreement

2018-11-18 15:29:59 UTC  

make a shit deal to get it Rejected on purpose

2018-11-18 15:30:02 UTC  

We stay in the EU

2018-11-18 15:30:10 UTC  

they have a say on when we're allowed to leave

2018-11-18 15:30:15 UTC  

Get rekt Portland

2018-11-18 15:30:26 UTC  

that's the current Brexit deal Theresa May made

2018-11-18 15:30:33 UTC  

also £40bn for free

2018-11-18 15:30:44 UTC  

what if you just break the fucking deal?

2018-11-18 15:30:51 UTC  

A hard exit you mean?

2018-11-18 15:31:00 UTC  

We can do that and honestly anything is better than this deal

2018-11-18 15:31:16 UTC  

The thing is a hard exit fucks up our borders in places where it'll stir a lot of shit

2018-11-18 15:31:17 UTC  

Go go hard exit

2018-11-18 15:31:21 UTC  

Gibraltar and Ireland

2018-11-18 15:31:24 UTC  

first time i've said that

2018-11-18 15:31:28 UTC  

They'll have huge backlash