Message from @Braydon
Discord ID: 514640564411564062
those in power just because they want power always soured me compared to those who don't want power hut do accept it because they feel obligated to do so
Is Berkeley heavy libcuck?
William Henry Harrison died 31 days into his term.
wasn't as much power back then...more paperwork, likely.
and boring meetings
who the fuck would want that.
a lot of duels though
now you basically have the world at your fingertips
Calvin Coolidge barely spoke.
certain presidents LOVED shooting people in alleys in random duels
Lol. Which one?
andrew jackson?
yep, jackson
you guys excited for star citizen
scam citizen
What the fuck is he holding their version of mi'lady
Why would I be excited for a game that isn't coming out? :^)
It looks like it's supposed to be one of those Star Trek: TOS phasers.
btw... they must really hate you to call you dickinson....
And he's holding it like he's going to shoot his eye out.
the twist is that he allows himself to die
isnt star citizen out?
it's still in ptu
and there is a missing chapters where he is shown to have been a dick as a kid with magic powers
u can still get the game
it's in alpha
...the hell is wrong with stan lee
It's pieces of a game lol
stan lee is dead
that's what
oh shit i read that wrong
what's wrong with being dead?
also i was referring to jesus
He's dead. And the fucking Twitter idiots decided to attack him and foul his grave.
you got something against dead people?