Message from @Alpaca13

Discord ID: 561692368580116490

2019-03-30 23:18:18 UTC  

In the past 5 days, i have said it 3 times, in relation to a conversation.

2019-03-30 23:18:20 UTC  

I just want different things to talk about

2019-03-30 23:18:28 UTC  

I have said "Hal" 4x as much.

2019-03-30 23:18:36 UTC  

I guess i shouldnt say anyones names.

2019-03-30 23:19:06 UTC  

Things you talk about most

2019-03-30 23:19:30 UTC  

General conversation when you mention other people’s name isn’t a big deal, you go out of your way to incorporate “my fiancé”

2019-03-30 23:20:19 UTC  

Like yeah we get it you’re engaged. You announce it constantly

2019-03-30 23:20:49 UTC  

>I said it in the context of a conversation, which was about something completely different, we have had long conversations about life, money, websites, peoples lives in movement's, picking on Hal's cumstain country, the middle east, Jihad and converting, milsurp, historical posts, fashwave.

2019-03-30 23:20:59 UTC  

But yeah, me saying fiance 3 times in 5 days is the issue.

2019-03-30 23:21:14 UTC  

Maybe its because you never actually talk about anything and Lurk.

2019-03-30 23:21:19 UTC  

Any time we talk about topic of traveling somewhere or moving you bring up “my fiancé”

2019-03-30 23:21:29 UTC  

Because it’s the same fucking shit you talk about

2019-03-30 23:22:28 UTC  

I’m not interested about talking about repetitive topics constantly. I want new conversations and when ever I try the conversation just turns to the same direction as everything else

2019-03-30 23:22:53 UTC  

Also my rank in the server would say other wise about me not talking. Sorry I don’t sit on my PC all day and talk. I check mobile when I can.

2019-03-30 23:23:24 UTC  

You make posts about video games, and you post some memes and irl photo's.

2019-03-30 23:23:36 UTC  

Not everyone wants to discuss videogames all the time.

2019-03-30 23:23:47 UTC  

Alot of people in here don't even play videogames.

2019-03-30 23:24:21 UTC  

Okay but it least I don’t talk about the same shit every fucking day which is some ones military and hear 5million different times how the US should of taken the FAL

2019-03-30 23:24:39 UTC  

I said that like 5 days ago...

2019-03-30 23:24:41 UTC  

And only once.

2019-03-30 23:24:56 UTC  

You’ve said it multiple times in text and voice and even in person

2019-03-30 23:25:14 UTC  

I don’t mind it, you’re spreading word but I’m just saying I want different topics

2019-03-30 23:25:38 UTC  

I can only take so much “fuck the Jews” before I don’t have anything else to say.

2019-03-30 23:26:35 UTC  

Go past my talking in the past few days, and bring up the last time i mentioned a FAL, or the last time i talked about my fiance besides in a convo ABOUT RELATIONSHIPS.

2019-03-30 23:26:56 UTC  

I genuinely don’t feel like it

2019-03-30 23:27:01 UTC  

That’s a lot of shit to read

2019-03-30 23:27:12 UTC  

Just getting on for this I had 50+ new messages

2019-03-30 23:28:13 UTC  

Oik, so you admit, you literally do not read, or notice what i post in here, just enough to shit on things i talk about maybe once a week, and other things i havnt posted about in 2+ weeks.

2019-03-30 23:28:32 UTC  

I do read, I just want don’t want to go back up.

2019-03-30 23:29:13 UTC  

You never see or maybe just don’t acknowledge but there are many times I’ve come in late to the conversation and say something that was 50+ messages later.

2019-03-30 23:30:45 UTC

2019-03-30 23:34:01 UTC  

Jesus Christ it’s a book

2019-03-30 23:34:09 UTC  

I’ll pay $10 for your book

2019-03-30 23:34:10 UTC  

Hard copy

2019-03-30 23:34:50 UTC  

If I’m continuously typing does it say I’m typing or do I just need to put a singular letter and it says I’m typing?

2019-03-30 23:37:16 UTC  

>I talk about revival architecture in Kazan Russia, making fun of Hal's cumstain country, joke about white Jihad, which Bongo brought up, talk about a funny propaganda poster that didn't age well, talked about distribution of meth labs in the US, talk about what Hal should spend $1000 on, from gear, to collectable money, to just buying clothes, or buying burgers and giving them out of a wheelbarrow in the cold, posted memes about FBI watching me eat ranch dressing, had a long convo with Louis de Bar on a topic he wanted to discuss with me, talked about how stupid it is to force sexuality on kids who can't even decide other basic parts of life, talked about Tropico going down south as a game, talked about Discord's rampant censoring, talked about manifest destiny and Bongo jokingly brought up arming a private army with flamers, talked about weird generals of the Reich that were Jewish, talked about Danish law, talked about buying new clothes, sharing T-shirts, talked about rural vs urbanite voting patterns, talked about important news, like Russia dropping off thousands of men into Venezuela, talked about shooting invasive Lionfish with glocks underwater, shared music, talked about Notch's recent tweets, talked about really aesthetic flags, more music sharing, making fun of bland's depression with waking up memes, shittalking the ATF, talking about making homemade soup, making fun of Jordan peterson and his weird fucking trains of thoughts about lobsters, talked about HOI4, and making fun of Manlets (self-ridicule)

2019-03-30 23:37:22 UTC  

Past week.

2019-03-30 23:37:41 UTC  

People respond and engage with me, because its stuff other people like aswell, thats why they are in here.

2019-03-30 23:37:51 UTC  

You post maybe Vidya stuff, such diversity.

2019-03-30 23:38:54 UTC  

Because that’s what interest me and when ever I try to talk politics it’s “you have a vagina, go back in the kitchen, women shouldn’t have rights” yet I’m actually fucking more smart then them and having better life skills.

2019-03-30 23:39:35 UTC  

>Projecting what other people have said onto me