Message from @Alpaca13

Discord ID: 588104452486070303

2019-06-11 11:11:56 UTC  

A new Xbox is going to release 2020. I’m not ready. Barely any good games have even released for the One and they want me to spend more money on a new console.

2019-06-11 11:13:14 UTC  

Can't see it being much of an improvement on the Xbox One X if so

2019-06-11 11:13:28 UTC  

I played Xbox for the first time in my life a week or so ago

2019-06-11 11:13:52 UTC  

Also played an assassins creed game for the first time through that

2019-06-11 11:13:57 UTC  

I don't like either

2019-06-11 11:14:26 UTC  

Didn't you know it's the current year and we're not allowed to enjoy anything

2019-06-11 11:14:32 UTC  

But I dislike that hold-down-two-buttons-and-run-around-like-a-sperg-trying-to-control-the-camera-angle game the most

2019-06-11 11:14:57 UTC  

I enjoy so much my best fren ben

2019-06-11 11:15:30 UTC  

I enjoyed composing the piece for this video

2019-06-11 11:15:34 UTC  

And I enjoyed watching it

2019-06-11 11:31:07 UTC  

Apparently the new Xbox called Scarlett is 4x stronger then the X

2019-06-11 11:37:32 UTC  

If I wanna fight the camera I'll play Kingdom Hearts 2

2019-06-11 16:30:23 UTC

2019-06-11 17:34:39 UTC  

Also the Xbox Scarlett is going to be 8k resolution which is wack because barely anybody has 4K TVs

2019-06-11 18:31:35 UTC  


2019-06-11 18:31:37 UTC  


2019-06-11 18:31:43 UTC  

I can't wait for 32k

2019-06-11 18:31:46 UTC  

More real than life

2019-06-11 19:55:26 UTC  

Dude, I'm going to go fishing for free with a chance of free dinner, while you niggers waste your time paying for foreign-produced hardware and buying games meant to waste your youth and precious time

2019-06-11 20:37:07 UTC  

Unless you’re going fishing in 2020 during the holiday season- aka the release of the new Xbox, you talking about the fishing trip and us wasting time on the Xbox makes no sense because we can fish now lol

2019-06-11 21:18:25 UTC  

Breasts are soft

2019-06-12 09:18:47 UTC  


2019-06-12 09:56:59 UTC

2019-06-12 16:54:05 UTC

2019-06-12 16:54:09 UTC

2019-06-12 16:54:13 UTC  

Hal, Booger Charmer

2019-06-12 20:26:12 UTC  

I went fishing yesterday @Deleted User

2019-06-12 20:28:18 UTC  

Nice, hope you had a swell time friend

2019-06-12 20:28:51 UTC  

Nothing like a good fishing trip, whether you catch anything or not

2019-06-12 20:40:34 UTC  

It's a little to early still to catch anything big, I got some small ones though

2019-06-12 20:40:50 UTC  

I let em go, figure they need a chance to get fat before anyone eats them.

2019-06-12 21:57:35 UTC  

That's the spirit

2019-06-13 00:28:38 UTC  

did you set up a bot to auto name everyone turbo when they join or are you just obessed with the survival of the turbo cult?

2019-06-13 01:08:01 UTC  

There’s a video going around of a Irish girl being “racist” toward a Mexican immigrant who has moved there and I honestly side with the Irish girl. They fought and died to protect their land and keep their culture, they respect their culture so deeply only the Irish could understand. So yeah, a Mexican immigrant who knows nothing of the culture and doesn’t follow it would shock me too and piss me off they moved here. I’d say GTFO.

2019-06-13 01:13:05 UTC  

Traveling to UK and France has only shown me that I am severely anti-immigrant because there barely any original culture. A super tan mother fucker with an English accent isn’t British. An African so dark you think they’re a locked character isn’t a Frenchman. It’s becoming rare to go to a country and actually meet the locals who have lived there for generations upon generations, not they just moved there 30+ years ago from their shit hole country.

2019-06-13 01:17:15 UTC  

That’s culturally insensitive

2019-06-13 01:18:42 UTC  


2019-06-13 01:51:06 UTC

2019-06-13 01:51:19 UTC  

Justin now I understand why you get banned so much

2019-06-13 01:51:28 UTC  

Too much *honk*