Message from @Justin Burger (Major-GA)
Discord ID: 620240035777740870
My boss has a HUGE truck
He got it super cheap because it was “totaled” from the insurance company because the previous owner accidentally backed too far into the water when deploying their boat. Literally everything was perfectly fine with it, there’s some water stains on the ceiling from where the water was but that’s it. He said you can buy vehicles really cheap in Canada
People can buy whatever they want, but trucks to me seem like a huge waste of gas money, and space, unless you actually need to carry stuff often which vast majority do not.
True North is only available in Canada too
Okay you can have your crotch rocket but when shit hits the fan that’s all you have while we itleast have trucks
Tell me how nice it is when the vast majority of people don't have 4-wheel drive, roads and highways are blocked up, in the lot of people's trucks are either too modified or way too long and heavy to be legitimately used off road.
You can’t use yours off road either
Nor can you carry barely anything
I’ll tell you how nice it is mate
Hell I have shelter itleast 😂
Oh trust me you can carry stuff, and also on a motorcycle, you can move through traffic and or city streets, you realize that large tents take up no space whatsoever and people often carry them on their backs,
You can attach entire backpacks and saddle packs to the back of a motorcycle
I know, but you can only have so many saddles and only pack so much in those saddles
And also tell me how efficient it is, when I can go times the distance and you're out of gas
Efficiency is a big deal
Tell how nice it is when it’s pouring down rain and your gear gets ruined
Or better yet since you’re on a bike you lose traction
Okay I guess all my stuff is made out of cotton bags
Waterproof backpacks
All of my stuff is either retired and or fresh out of a storehouse military surplus
The fact we’re having the conversation
As if it’s even up for debate to what’s better. Which is obviously a truck.
You’re not Daryl Dixon from the walking dead
That shits fake
Gotta go clock in
Will read your retarded messages when I can
Lack of gas efficiency, guzzling massive amounts you can't afford, and being literally unable to move through anything that could be considered tight, being relegated to abandon your truck at the first sign of blockage
And also you're the one who brought up shit hitting the fan.
I was just talking about people dick clinging and buying the biggest truck they could, guzzling the most gas it can, and covering with so many modifications but it's unable to do its purpose
Good thing I didn’t do any of those
But Justin you have a small peepee, not related to our argument
Sith Lord, noodle dick peepee
It’s like a straw
(I’m obviously joking, I have never seen his peepee)
Also my truck is not gas guzzling