Message from @MrCrazyguy
Discord ID: 648250723305390084
Idk, everything is so conflicting.
I was keeping all the tabs, then everything was an absolute clusterfuck.
I live in Florida, so I am too far away to go there myself.
Look at how much sugar I was given for my single cup of tea
Im behind enem lines and this shit hits home
Let the boogaloo begin, and let it never end
@Justin Burger (Major-GA) pipe down you inbred nigger
You have all been granted a role and the ability to speak.
Participation will get you upped.
Free bobby shmurda
@Justin Burger (Major-GA) neck yourself fgt
Look at all of my participation
Thank you so much
Now please stop calling me slave
Free thomas mahoney
Slave is reserved for lurkers who never talk.
I dont know who thomas is
The thomas mahoney fandom is dying, retweet this if you’re a true thomas mahoney fan
The thomas mahoney fandom is dying, retweet this if you’re a true thomas mahoney fan2
Mahoney molested my dog.
Mahoney is an absolute dom, he has me by a collar and makes me call him daddy
Oh shit, I looked up Thomas Mahoney, and it says it is some guy in jail for sex crimes against a 14-yr old girl.
Child rapist thomas mahoney?
Something something epstein out of jail free faked death thomas mahoney
He groomed some 14 year old shitposter or something called anne frank
Sunny day