Message from @Paradox

Discord ID: 517278327732437002

2018-11-28 09:52:14 UTC  

this is how religions get started in the first place

2018-11-28 09:52:31 UTC  

"I interpret it my way, and death to anyone who doesn't"

2018-11-28 09:52:45 UTC  

That's a stretch

2018-11-28 09:53:04 UTC  

and yet they all do it

2018-11-28 09:53:22 UTC  

That's not the cause of the creation of religions. It's an aspect of militant religions

2018-11-28 09:53:34 UTC  

which ultimately is every religion

2018-11-28 09:53:57 UTC  

Okay. If you want to say all religions are militant that's your own beef

2018-11-28 09:54:22 UTC  

Any and all religions are militant at their core

2018-11-28 09:54:47 UTC  

I'm not going to waste my time on that

2018-11-28 09:55:02 UTC  

i wouldn't expect you to 😛

2018-11-28 09:55:24 UTC  

That's a ridiculous semantic argument that has to come from an insane obscuration of the term "militant"

2018-11-28 09:55:46 UTC  

I thought you weren't gonna waste your time on it

2018-11-28 09:55:55 UTC  

I'm not, I'm going to bed

2018-11-28 09:56:00 UTC  


2018-11-28 09:56:09 UTC  

have a good one then 😄

2018-11-28 09:56:44 UTC  

obviously you have never heard of the religion of peace.

2018-11-28 09:56:50 UTC  


2018-11-28 09:56:53 UTC  

by definition it is not militant!

2018-11-28 09:58:04 UTC  

nah, ultimately religions break down into militant behaviour,

They make a claim based on faith and no evidence,

And if you turn away/disprove it, you'll end up with people wanting to defend their faith cuz they think their belief overrules facts,

And in order to maintain it they'll have to destroy the disrupting factor (the fact bringers)

2018-11-28 09:58:33 UTC  

If they'd change based on facts, they're not a religion, they're life-coaches

2018-11-28 09:59:23 UTC  

think we've talked about this before

2018-11-28 09:59:47 UTC  

i don't limit it to religion, but to any belief structure.

2018-11-28 09:59:58 UTC  

where emotional attachment is present

2018-11-28 10:00:05 UTC  

"Theres a big invisible sky man, he wants you to love your neighbors, and be happy in life"

>Theres no proof for a skyman
"Love your neighbors and be happy in life"
>Your neighbors hate you and are actively cruel to you
"Be happy in life" 😛

2018-11-28 10:00:50 UTC  

I think we agree on that,

though such behaviour i'd categorise as religious, as opposed to saying it encapsulates MORE than religion

2018-11-28 10:01:03 UTC  

I personally consider feminism/SJW behaviour a religion

2018-11-28 10:01:17 UTC  

those diehard cultural marxist people, indoctrinated into their marxist faith

2018-11-28 10:01:40 UTC  

ya, ok. Just semantics over religion.

2018-11-28 10:01:43 UTC  


2018-11-28 10:02:18 UTC  

pretty sure we'd talked about it already, so 😃 gonna watch goblin slayer and pray .

2018-11-28 10:02:27 UTC  


2018-11-28 10:02:39 UTC  

the same circlejerks happen here these days 😄

2018-11-28 10:02:56 UTC  

"Damn leftists"
"Damn religious people"
"Damn marxists"
"Damn feminists"

and repeat

2018-11-28 10:03:30 UTC  

damn gingers.

2018-11-28 10:04:02 UTC  

fun fact: Gingers is an anagram for Niggers 😛

Oh sweet


2018-11-28 10:04:36 UTC  

do with that knowledge as you will

2018-11-28 10:04:42 UTC  

ginger niggers are the worst, though.

2018-11-28 10:04:47 UTC  


Wait I know what I can do