Message from @Dr.Wol

Discord ID: 518399399190331392

2018-12-01 12:10:19 UTC  

nah it just proves we need to investigate MORE

2018-12-01 12:10:27 UTC  

inestigate what?

2018-12-01 12:10:43 UTC  

its basically turned into who email wikileaks for hillarys crimes

2018-12-01 12:10:44 UTC  

cuz the fact there isn't any evidence of collusion, just proves theres something being hidden!!

2018-12-01 12:10:46 UTC  

its a joke

2018-12-01 12:11:03 UTC  

you might be guilty for getting evidence for clintons crimes

2018-12-01 12:11:08 UTC  

thats the actual bitch now

2018-12-01 12:11:11 UTC  

its retarded

2018-12-01 12:12:10 UTC  

its just simple denial of the anti-trumpers still pushing it

2018-12-01 12:12:23 UTC  

denial, and Media/democrats that have invested too much into it

2018-12-01 12:13:01 UTC  

well ididnt thinkt he court would of sided with the mom

2018-12-01 12:13:03 UTC  

but they did

2018-12-01 12:13:08 UTC  

RIP his testicles

2018-12-01 12:13:21 UTC  

you'd think the court would ask the kid what he wanted

2018-12-01 12:13:31 UTC  

nope the mom demanded sex change

2018-12-01 12:13:35 UTC  


2018-12-01 12:13:43 UTC  

how can a mother demand a sex change

2018-12-01 12:13:49 UTC  

its not her penis

2018-12-01 12:14:05 UTC  

btw they jailed the father for child abuse

2018-12-01 12:14:08 UTC  

the boy can't consent, and the father isn't a woman

Hence the word of the mother is held in highest regard

2018-12-01 12:14:16 UTC  

for impeding the sex change quote unquote

2018-12-01 12:14:23 UTC  

he is no longer to see his child

2018-12-01 12:14:27 UTC  

what a nightmare

2018-12-01 12:14:53 UTC  

this is why sex changes should only be legal @ 16 yrs of age

2018-12-01 12:15:01 UTC  

if at all

2018-12-01 12:16:03 UTC  

and now the dad has to pay for all the gender surgery

2018-12-01 12:16:04 UTC  

they shouldn't be legal at all, unless the person pays full price themselves, and a high one at that, you can't change a persons biological sex, so its a waste of time

2018-12-01 12:16:07 UTC  

and resources

2018-12-01 12:16:10 UTC  

wait hes banned from seeing his son

2018-12-01 12:16:15 UTC  

but also has to pay for everything

2018-12-01 12:16:20 UTC  

I love america sometimes

2018-12-01 12:16:29 UTC  

I would go to jail rather than pay

2018-12-01 12:16:31 UTC  

fuck that

2018-12-01 12:17:04 UTC  

charged with gender child abuse

2018-12-01 12:17:09 UTC  

how is this a fucking thing!

2018-12-01 12:21:06 UTC  

oh sweet its dec 1st

2018-12-01 12:21:11 UTC  

new ps4 games and xbox

2018-12-01 12:22:08 UTC  

if the courts grant the mother full custody and she starts gender reassignment, guarantee that kid will commit suicide before he's 18

2018-12-01 12:22:32 UTC  

the mother thinks it needs to have its bits choppe doff

2018-12-01 12:22:36 UTC  

thats it