Message from @Scribblehatch
Discord ID: 521137543538802709
not sure the server level
yes for your personal profile
Not at the server level
ok gotcha
like if you click on mine
you can see my youtube and whatnot
Oh nice. There is a christmas ebola outbreak in Africa
how can you as a client connect subscribestar
It has to be Youtube Gaming in order to connect
Good thing we import people from there at unprecedented rate and unvetted
Twitch or YouTube Gaming are the only integrations
its not built in
@LotheronPrime don't worry about it right now, don't let it stop you from subbing at subscribestar
it's just not integrated on our end yet
lol it's not
can you streamlabs integrate?
honestly I don't trust subscribestar
Didn't Patreon have custom pledge options? I plan on doing $5 and $5 for Sargon and Tim. So far there is only $10
crow man is spamming Tim's live stream
That was one change Patreon made that I felt should've been part of it from the beginning.
If you don't want to be involved in the dick measuring contest, you should be able to opt out.
The internet is a nasty, nosey place.
Radical Center Rise up!
Can there be an alternative way of getting bennifits? Donate somewhere
that takes less cuts
Everywhere takes cuts
except like..mailing checks to tim
Subscribe star currently takes 6% plus .30
Youtube Join currently takes 30% including local sales tax
Does Streamlabs take anything from credit card donations?
Streamlabs does not take any fee from credit card donations and never will. All fees come from the credit card processor.
What fees are applied to credit card donations?
The standard fee charged by the credit card processor is 2.9%+ .30 cents USD. This fee will vary by country of streamer and donor.
Any overpayment of fees from the viewer will be automatically added to the streamer’s account.
There is also a 2% currency exchange fee if your donor is donating with a different currency than what you stated in your bank account.
Well Feather, these companies need to make money somehow.
never said they didn't?
The servers, the development, the processing all takes cash.
Looks like SubsribeStar is only taking 3% on top of credit card fees
Stream labs is acutally taking nothing though
It is just to cover the fees the credit card company charges
like, what you are saying subscribe star takes..if you donate 10 to Tim..