Message from @RussianHacker
Discord ID: 294312009263087616
the meme army
where do i find the anime titties
Anyone got some Shia Lebuff info I can put into next song for Kekistan about lynching him?
he needs a good lynching
lynch him like you did poop dogg fam
🆙 | **RussianHacker leveled up!**
his only good movie was holes
and he should have never trusted Micheal Bay
were gonna fill his holes with kek juice
kek cum
brothers, in honor of the terror attack today, i think we need MUDSHIT REVOLUTION
Fam i got the hitler pic 4 u
man what a fuckin boss
hitlers my personal hero
the Fuhrer knows how to party
Phantom, can u explain the meme with the somali girl on phone?
so this article came out talking about how the Muslim girl ignored the person dying right next to her
in london today?
she then got clipped out by a guy i know and we circulated some shops of her ignoring other tragedies
and yeah
Why is europe full of muslims now, just why?
well it's not the people its the religion IMO
ideologies have agendas
agendas are dangerous
unless the agenda is, remove kebab
sure unless
the way i see it memes don't respect anyone
everybody gets laughed at so its all fair
true equality
But biological victory is the goal
you must propogate your people, Thats the only meaning of your life goyim