Message from @RussianHacker
Discord ID: 294318186478829568
yeah i keep deodorant and playing cards as well as a pack of pens in the bag
things i'll always not have when i need them
u part of the pen15 club fam
i don't like p e n i s
tatoo "pen15" on your arm lol
if that's what your asking
also no
im just being a troll sorry
i'll put Pen15 on my dick
where it belongs
that would hurt so bad
hey babe its labeled so you dont get confused
yeah probably
is that wut u would say to womyn
I walk into bars and say kek
If the women nod then I'm getting laid that night
the jew who cant stop posting his pen0r
Kik is cancer
I found a kekistan group full of edgy normies
kik is where sluts congregrate
have you seen the 9 flat earth chats
Normies reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Flat earth chats
Flat earth is best earth
>not pyramid
If you can prove the earth is flat I'll go to school tomorrow
you guys want to solve a statistical problem for me?
ok here is puzzle