Message from @RussianHacker
Discord ID: 294319890272092170
the jew who cant stop posting his pen0r
Kik is cancer
I found a kekistan group full of edgy normies
kik is where sluts congregrate
have you seen the 9 flat earth chats
Normies reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Flat earth chats
Flat earth is best earth
>not pyramid
If you can prove the earth is flat I'll go to school tomorrow
you guys want to solve a statistical problem for me?
ok here is puzzle
how do you prove CO2 is warming the atmosphere in the future when your sample size is one and your extrapolating
Think about it
try and run model with one sample and r or sas will be like bref
Don't they use ice layers from the Arctic?
what do they collect from those?
how accurate are those?
oh shit its a teaching class niggurs
Samples of air from different periods
fam how do you know that the samples make sense or they knew temperature for sure
and also prove to me no lurking variable
u guys, would u rather a song about lynching Shia Lebuff, or a song about Le Penn, or about getting high on Kratom?
Hwndu disco please
Global warming is impossible to prove is my point
with data that is
climate science is the art of extrapolation and violating statistical assumptions
but muh Bill Nye said "the science is settled"!
tfw your sample size is one and you have an unlimited supply of lurking variables
thats awesome