Message from @swiggity

Discord ID: 680136565531476007

2020-02-20 19:35:32 UTC  

I feel fucking GREAT BOIS

2020-02-20 19:35:44 UTC  

I walk to work

2020-02-20 19:35:48 UTC  

and usually it takes me...

2020-02-20 19:35:51 UTC  

15-17 minutes

2020-02-20 19:35:55 UTC  

13 today

2020-02-20 19:35:58 UTC  

and I look slimmer c:

2020-02-20 19:36:14 UTC  

@Thomatorr, King of Ohio nice man, progress. You ever run there too just to get that runner's high?

2020-02-20 19:36:21 UTC  


2020-02-20 19:36:38 UTC  

Runnings kinda fucked for me. I'm bow-legged as shit

2020-02-20 19:37:06 UTC  

I can turn both feet sideways and make my feet a straight line heel to heel

2020-02-20 19:37:28 UTC  

and if I really wanted to,I can twist them almost backwards to touch

2020-02-20 19:37:46 UTC  

Get on the elliptical first

2020-02-20 19:37:47 UTC  

Thats fucking sexy

2020-02-20 19:38:26 UTC  

i just run on my treadmill in full kit

2020-02-20 19:39:19 UTC  

I just do interval sprints and play hockey

2020-02-20 19:39:29 UTC  

@Thomatorr, King of Ohio nice man. Keep it up

2020-02-20 19:39:34 UTC  


2020-02-20 19:39:37 UTC  

I got a treadmill but I prefer to outdoors

2020-02-20 19:39:40 UTC  

Hockey is the shit

2020-02-20 19:39:46 UTC  

but only for the fighting on skates

2020-02-20 19:39:53 UTC  

@Thomatorr, King of Ohio why does it say youve been playing MTG for 6 hours

2020-02-20 19:39:56 UTC  

jesus christ

2020-02-20 19:40:00 UTC  


2020-02-20 19:40:08 UTC  

have you actually been playing for 6 hours

2020-02-20 19:40:13 UTC  

because fuck man

2020-02-20 19:40:15 UTC  

nah lol I left it on

2020-02-20 19:40:19 UTC  

oh thank god

2020-02-20 19:40:29 UTC  

i couldnt imagine anyone sitting there for 6 hours playing magic

2020-02-20 19:41:05 UTC  

well,when I lived in my old shit hole town, I could,but not online. We played EDH games at the shop till it pretty much opened back up in the morning

2020-02-20 19:41:14 UTC  

We'd get fucking blasted in the parking lot and just talk mad shit

2020-02-20 19:41:20 UTC  

well thats different

2020-02-20 19:41:23 UTC  

youre with people

2020-02-20 19:41:41 UTC  

what im talking about is sitting in front of a computer monitor playing mtg arena for 6 hours

2020-02-20 19:43:12 UTC  

I only get on here for the Wednesday brawl,with is like 60 card commander with whats in format right now

2020-02-20 19:43:14 UTC  

Which is bullshit

2020-02-20 19:43:44 UTC  

because the Brawl Guild Hall is like 10k in fucking gold and only for certain amounts of time

2020-02-20 19:43:47 UTC  

like a month ?

2020-02-20 19:44:13 UTC  

fuck that gatekeeping bullshit,its one of those bottleneck fucktions to get people to fucking pay money

2020-02-20 19:46:36 UTC  

fuck my bad i went on a rant there about some nerd shit :c

2020-02-20 19:49:54 UTC  

youre good, im planting tulips in my backyard in remembrance of my grandma

2020-02-20 19:50:05 UTC  

so my hands are covered in potting soil