Message from @насильственное убийство
Discord ID: 680462987340808341
Honk Honk 🤡
Sup Fed boi
Life has many doors fedbois
Lotta new people here in the past few days
FBI really stepping their shit up...... Or are they Gay-T-F?
Nah. Some fb pages been postin in comments.
Literally just joined via Facebook link. Howdy Kings!
@TheClown honk honk fed
Dis nigga just said howdy
Your answer took too long, definitely a fedboi
He's a fedboi
@насильственное убийство can you even say howdy anymore with your missing tooth
...but I like puppers.
@swiggity Yee haw
I woke up and since I have no responsibilities today I got super high and I’m on my third toasted peanut butter sandwich
Toasted pb is fuckin awesome
Crunchy or crramy pb?
Hellz yeah bro
Ffffuuuyyuccxkkking welcome to the shit show
I haven't had toast +peanut butter in forever. Have you tried cinnamon toast?
I’m too high for all these good ideas
What the cinnamon toast fuck is this?
Sugared toast 👌
Toast+butter+sprinkled cinnamon. It's great.
That's my childhood
More fresh meat
Welcome to prison little one