Message from @thedarkness05
Discord ID: 680466570606280778
More fresh meat
Welcome to prison little one
*now get those cheeks over here*
RedDiesel....I bet you got the most lifted truck here
$.50 says it's squatted
I got $.50 saying it's the alphabet soup van
Either way it's gay
Big gay
Fuck, thats 3 new feds today
Who been postin the link?
You think we gonna snitch on who posted the link? Maybe you're the fedboy
Nah, I be super spook son
Why do dudes even put that squat inna truck... It looks nasty af
"ItS CoOl"
Idk. How do they expect to go mudding in a low sitting truck? That's no fun
Not a lifted truck
Lil hatchback
It’s more about the line of work I’m in
And I ain’t no fed. I’m from the SMB discord
iM fRoM tHe sMb dIsCoRd
Everyone here is a fed
likely story
We all honeypotted ourselves
oHh lOoK aT mE
Just addressing that lol
I'm just joking man
I know I can tell I’ll fit in here just fine
That's what she said
*when she showed me her dick*
So for taxation purposes, we'll need bootyhole pics
With socks,glow belts, and boot bands on