Message from @thedarkness05
Discord ID: 680499135148982439
This lists 2 engravers that should work but there's some extra stuff you'd need to figure out to get it to function properly. It's a little complicated but it's possible.
Would it work on mags tho?
I currently do not know enough about lasers or have the experience to say, but the article does say that the second engraver can cut wood and engrave metal. Assuming these can be adjusted in power I would say that it should work.
It's one of those risk-reward things. To do 20 of your personal mags its probably not worth the cost, but if you want to grind out and sell some memes it could be viable.
If I find and get one that works I wouldn't mind selling meme mags.
I mean.....
For the fedboys here, I would never do such a thing.
Selling mags is ok, they arent nfa items yet
I would love to make/sell something that would be enjoyed by the community. I just don't know exactly what I would do that other people aren't already doing.
@thedarkness05 you dont think they'd hit you on something?
I'm not him, but they're just "accessories." I believe you'd only encounter trouble if you attempted to sell to a prohibited state. Even in those states though (check laws I'm not a lawyer) the individual components of a magazine are not illegal which is why "rebuild kits" can be bought almost everwhere for legally intended use.
Well I'm in a restricted state, so they'd nail me for anything
I was a resident of NY for a long time, I know the feeling.
Lmao, I am now. Yankee born and raised
My condolences. It's a beautiful geographic area but it's politically and economically a wasteland. I lived about an hour south of Syracuse in Chenango county.
I'm within 2 hours of NYC so
Goddamn, are you at least outside of the range of the city where gun laws aren't even worse than what they actually are in the general state?
I was invited by Based Yan/k/ee
@Schadraquetor yes, but the laws still suck donkey dick. Almost 0 chance of getting a ccw
@edgyusername69 thats me, Im Yan/k/ee lmao
*Am stewpid
Its also a ritual
First we accuse you of being a fed, then we ask for feet n booty holenpix for Merc.
And if Squid like what he sees ge eats your ass when you least expect it
This is the way
Holy damn
This is exaxlty like my other discord
Actually IM the one that started the feet pics jokes in that ome
Still waiting for the ass eating part
I have found mmy people
Well Squid is across the pond reminding germans whos the back to back world war champs so
...wait a second, is it a New York discord? I've definitely donated some feet pics before.
Doing gods work
The real question is, is this a hard R group
@edgyusername69 Idk , why dont you ask @FloridaManBoohajideen if this is a hard R group
Hey @FloridaManBoohajideen can i say nigger in here for the lols