Message from @thedarkness05
Discord ID: 680842840569675807
@Schadraquetor I would vote for anyone regardless if policy if they were pro gun
I'm between the two libertarian candidates and Rhett E Boogie
I am a one issue voter
You know the dude rocking the acu brain bucket with his AR?
Brent Hendrix of Nebraska
I have like 1 or 2 primary voting issues I will 300% not compromise on. And right now the only candidate who seems to be in ny corner is Rhette E Boogie
@thedarkness05 nice.
I hope this democracy finally dies off so we can start rebuilding. That's all I want, doesnt have to be violent, just a separations from this globalist hell.
We all want freedom but they just won't leave us alone. Even if we theoretically decided to cut the country in half and do it our way vs theirs, they'd invade and impose their will on us.
Shit even with gun laws one state gets strict and they attack neighboring states because "they'll just go get them over there."
If not physically than economically
freedom is an unbearable concept to tyrants
Peace was an option
They get what they deserve joker.jpg
I know we're not supposed to attribute to malice what we can to stupidity but I have a hard time looking at it as anything other than evil.
I'm having a glitch in the matrix
Uh oh
How so
@Schadraquetor I got the glass when we did demo on a bank
Merc timed out
Was driving
Couldn't hear due to my window being down..Instead of rolling up the window I turned the knob on my steroe
Radio wasn't on...
Is it weird to say I've seen worse kits?
Just caught a 7 day ban on nazibook