Message from @Aria

Discord ID: 683691891006373908

2020-03-01 14:30:31 UTC  

He would never leave the yard

2020-03-01 14:30:45 UTC  

But lord forbid you locked him in the kitchen over night lol

2020-03-01 14:30:58 UTC  

(Used baby gates)

2020-03-01 14:31:25 UTC  

My cat does that shit all the time. Like one time he was within arms reach under a bush, then he sees me and mooves another couple feet back amd made me work to drag him out

2020-03-01 14:32:02 UTC  

Sounds about right

2020-03-01 14:32:05 UTC  

Like he sat there and stared at me the whole time. Probably laughing to himself

2020-03-01 14:32:34 UTC  

He's also the one that needs his cuddle time with me every morning when I get home from work

2020-03-01 14:32:46 UTC  

Thats what we run. Baby gates. These dogs are more than capable of jumping them they just wont do it. I let my dogs in the front yard with no leash and they listen well. They have destroyed the back yard to the point where its half mud.

2020-03-01 14:33:31 UTC  

I cant let them out back anymore. So all their outside time is supervised until the grass seed grows

2020-03-01 14:33:42 UTC  


2020-03-01 14:33:55 UTC  

Which would have been alot sooner if they hadn't eaten the seeds

2020-03-01 14:34:14 UTC  

They be like that. But puppies are atleast fun

2020-03-01 14:34:30 UTC  

@Ramrod1992 They were just premaking the fertilizer

2020-03-01 14:34:43 UTC  

And cut down on going to the gym for cardio

2020-03-01 14:34:55 UTC

2020-03-01 14:35:30 UTC  

Cant really see because the light. But thats hay I laid down after seeding.

2020-03-01 14:35:37 UTC  

Its literally half the yard

2020-03-01 14:35:57 UTC  


2020-03-01 14:37:32 UTC  

So till thats fixed i cant let them out. They track mud every fucking where

2020-03-01 15:06:24 UTC  

howdy kings

2020-03-01 15:07:29 UTC  


2020-03-01 15:07:31 UTC  

Morning sir

2020-03-01 15:07:36 UTC  

Taking advantage of massage chairs, and increased my leg press max weight

2020-03-01 15:08:01 UTC  

As much as that sounds great, im a lazy pothead

2020-03-01 15:08:35 UTC  

But I wanna operate like a mountain ranger

2020-03-01 15:08:49 UTC  

Just gotta stop sucking at life and being poor

2020-03-01 15:09:36 UTC  

I mean bodyweigjt excercises are a thing

2020-03-01 15:10:17 UTC  

Yeah I do pushups and situps about twice a week to keep me from getting sore at work

2020-03-01 15:10:40 UTC  

Other than that the only cardio I get is in bed

2020-03-01 15:11:09 UTC  

See wife cardio is extra, because thats the only fun workout

2020-03-01 15:11:40 UTC  

But I try to do pushups, situps, n run every day, if not I do every other day

2020-03-01 15:11:55 UTC  

Yeah im fixed now so cardio will be going through the roof lol

2020-03-01 15:12:24 UTC  

I mean I've never let that stop me

2020-03-01 15:12:49 UTC  

I need a better diet, so I think im gonna build a raised bed garden today

2020-03-01 15:13:10 UTC  

Okra tomatoes squash peppers

2020-03-01 15:14:28 UTC  

Can confirm wife cardio is my preffered form

2020-03-01 15:14:53 UTC  

My wife is fat so it doubles as a core workout lol

2020-03-01 15:15:48 UTC  

@OverlordSaltBagel you gotta hit the gym too ni🅱️ 🅱️ a. I'll abduct you in the middle of the night, dont think I wont

2020-03-01 15:21:01 UTC  

This week, what day works? Ive got darts league with work bros on thursdays now

2020-03-01 15:32:50 UTC  

Cardio helps with humping

2020-03-01 15:33:18 UTC  

I am aggressively hungover