Message from @Rouqen
Discord ID: 524864426449305600
let it be known punks4trump and graylan are two homosexuals trolling because they have nothing better to do
thanks guys
it's been swell
bye bitch
this server really needs more admins
late at night these 16 year olds get weed randomly and act the dumbest fool imaginable
Acting dumb is not banned
its early in the morning.
no shit rouqen
@Gilgamesh jdm is here and Tim
just because you're too dumb to see that they are trolling is not my problem
I see trolling all right
Trolling is never a problem
and JDM would just say stop being a weak cunt
dumbest statement ever
Unless you make it one
im not trolling you just dont follow what im saying.
and draw ridiculous conclusions
so the only way to fight trolling is to ignore it and let kids shit all over the server
Trolls want reactions
kids. i been here longer than you
the pirate party argued for legalisation of all drugs since its existed
you mute/block them
tf outta here
rouqen no fucking shit
what are all the other users gonna do
you're asking all users to block them
you know what's easier
them just being banned
same result
you fucking idiot
censorship cuck asking for bans
sjw for sure
dumb ass kid