Message from @Redneo
Discord ID: 524865460886437898
you know this is online socialization
it isn't real life
A ban online is akin to murder
you fuck
jesus christ
i lost all respect
no, thats just censorship
it's not just censorship
justified or no, it's censorship, not murder
if you have people coming in that just shout shit
Well you think i am a troll precisly becouse im for freedom @Gilgamesh
are you all really this fucking dumb
sooo yeah dont be surprised that people catch onto your SJW-ways
if someone just walks in and says the dumbest shit they can imagine
@Drew West Press depends on where you are. sometimes centralized censorship turns to genocide overnight.
holy fuck
Eat shit
@Scribblehatch welcome to shit show
we missed the scribbles
either you guys don't realize they are actually trolling or you are so blind to principle that you would find yourself in a server of 100 children spouting nonsense
nukem nuken
or maybe
honestly tim just has this server to promote his own fame
he never interacts
maybe you just are not reasonable enough to realise you arent being trolled
either i am being trolled or i am surrounded by fucking morons
i'd prefer that i'm being trolled
if then , its the later
tim is in here damn near every day at least few times a week he talks in here. bullshits.
I'm confused
well then i'm just sad if i'm not being trolled ffs
unless you define trolling as something that can be done genuinly
if i'm really not being trolled and you are that fucking dumb
holy fuck