Message from @Graylan | gray00
Discord ID: 524868118796042250
we need to educate parents how to protect children from this cancer
it's pretty fucked cuz they are retarded
and kids are getting fucked up in the head fuck knows the garbage on these centralized sites
I don't think the kids understand what they;re doing all the time
they haven't got a clue about any of it
first step is: dont become a parent before emmigrating to asia and either using artificial procreation or find yourself an exotic partner. And you stay there
like their more mature these days but like, they shouldn't be sexual like that before 12
neither do parents even know this exists
you dont bring them home
a few youtubers have talked about it but not many
very f ew
the parents don't know
Omison i believe had a scandal
whatever his fkin name is. that retard
oh god... not him
yeah he did some fucked up shit to kids
made em send em nudes n shit in a big ass forum
like pressed shit
yeah totally eww
how tf does youtube ban Alex and not HIm
is he in prison?
no he still make shit loado f money
on YT
yeah, youtube is weird man
yeah. fuckin bullshit man. guy needs to have reality check of what the fuck he has done to kids
I've been there for like 8-9 years and make almost nothing from it.
but people who upload trash make bank
@Drew West Press come to DTUBE we like that kinda content
you gotta really join lotta discords so the whales see you tho
I think I'm on there
I don't know what discords to join
ill dm u some
I'm so disconnected
yeah please do.
i'll set this stuff up tomorrow. I'm knackered.