Message from @GoldenPhoenix

Discord ID: 528585748761542656

2018-12-29 14:47:51 UTC  

(fudging numbers a bit) 90% of them don't think third wave feminism is good, but their national broadcasting service keeps painting a picture of female victimization and systemic sexism

2018-12-29 14:47:57 UTC  

how theoretical math are you @GoldenPhoenix

2018-12-29 14:47:58 UTC  

i couldnt write when i wanted

2018-12-29 14:48:06 UTC  

it came a lot later

2018-12-29 14:48:14 UTC  

are you into that non-commutative super algebra shit

2018-12-29 14:48:25 UTC  

I'm so theoretical that I can talk about how numbers work all day, but need to use my abacus to do arithmetic

2018-12-29 14:48:26 UTC  

Im really starting to despise Cortez

2018-12-29 14:48:37 UTC  

she says so much stupid fucking shit shes making it easy to go after important shit

2018-12-29 14:49:00 UTC  


2018-12-29 14:49:10 UTC  

Its like you have a bunch of adults going "hmmm we need to think about green energy expansion"

2018-12-29 14:49:13 UTC  

So she's Trump

2018-12-29 14:49:28 UTC  

and she comes in going "derp, 20 trillion dollars in accounting errors?! that could pay for healthcare"

2018-12-29 14:49:32 UTC  

and everyone on the left facepalms

2018-12-29 14:49:36 UTC  

the right busts out laughing

2018-12-29 14:49:47 UTC  

and then tribalists ignore it and refuse to call her out for being so fucking dumb

2018-12-29 14:50:17 UTC  

this shit really makes me mad

2018-12-29 14:50:26 UTC  

because she is single handedly making important issues sound insane

2018-12-29 14:50:29 UTC  

*cough* nationalized healthcare and SS are economic disasters and always fail *cough* but anything would be better than what we have now

2018-12-29 14:50:36 UTC  

can we start ignoring AOC before someone accidentally memes her into a position of power

2018-12-29 14:50:58 UTC  

like how the simpsons predicted trump?

2018-12-29 14:51:03 UTC  


2018-12-29 14:51:06 UTC  


2018-12-29 14:51:25 UTC  

could she be doing this intentionally?

2018-12-29 14:51:25 UTC  

Well, Isn't Cortez with Pelosi and Waters proof enough that Women shouldn't be in Politics?

2018-12-29 14:51:45 UTC  

cortez is a meme candidate

2018-12-29 14:51:45 UTC  

Thatcher is proof that they should be @Stefan Payne

2018-12-29 14:52:09 UTC  

cortez got elected on an exploit in the system

2018-12-29 14:52:24 UTC  

Maybe but Thatcher fought on equal grounds against men. The others probably not

2018-12-29 14:52:24 UTC  

is my internet really this bad? damn

2018-12-29 14:52:42 UTC  

that's 3 separate posts that refuse to be sent

2018-12-29 14:52:53 UTC  

@GoldenPhoenix it's not just you, the Clinton foundation is DOSing us

2018-12-29 14:53:00 UTC  

ditto Phoenix

2018-12-29 14:53:19 UTC  

all because I wanted to dunk on social security 😢

2018-12-29 14:54:54 UTC

2018-12-29 14:55:25 UTC  

Maybe we should get rid of Political Partys?

2018-12-29 14:55:31 UTC  

or limit them to 10 States

2018-12-29 14:55:56 UTC  

we should get rid of our current electoral system and replace it with one that makes party control untenable

2018-12-29 14:56:03 UTC  

Can't get rid of political parties, that's restricting free assembly

2018-12-29 14:56:25 UTC  

if we work from the bottom up they'll naturally reform because of our FPTP system

2018-12-29 14:56:40 UTC  

And if there's any form of representative government, you're gonna have parties. Unless you abolish the republic

2018-12-29 14:57:28 UTC  

If the US can pass diversity laws that restrict free assembly, what's stopping it from banning political parties?