Message from @Flare Ragnarok

Discord ID: 528943111204896768

2018-12-30 14:28:22 UTC  

far left sjw content *is* the path to right wing radicalization
newtons third law

2018-12-30 14:28:33 UTC  

Yes, it is

2018-12-30 14:28:41 UTC  

fuck outta here with that protectionist garbo

2018-12-30 14:28:56 UTC  

having everything be global will just overcomplicate everything

2018-12-30 14:29:05 UTC  

and then its just knit-picking

well, the 1% doesn't need those millions, so they're just hogging it away from people who can benefit from it! so they're EVIL

They roll around at night in sweat going "nngghh.. people earning higher than sub-minimum wage..."

2018-12-30 14:29:05 UTC  

and if one cog doesnt turn the right way

2018-12-30 14:29:13 UTC  

the entire society might collapse

2018-12-30 14:29:24 UTC  

nah, go read a book about it

2018-12-30 14:29:24 UTC  

just because one thing doesnt work as intended

2018-12-30 14:29:41 UTC  

the world isn't a machine made of gears, it's a series of connected nodes

2018-12-30 14:29:56 UTC  

having everything global would work

if the entire world was equal, since its not, globalism would be a disaster

2018-12-30 14:29:56 UTC  

there's no risk to the whole world if a few nodes go haywire

2018-12-30 14:30:14 UTC  

the whole world doesn't need to be equal for globalism to work

2018-12-30 14:30:18 UTC  

yes it does

2018-12-30 14:30:28 UTC  

imagine if in 21XX the entire state of ohio is made to be an agricultural haven in which all corn is planted

2018-12-30 14:30:35 UTC  

We have international trade right now, and everything is going fine

2018-12-30 14:30:37 UTC  

and harvested

2018-12-30 14:30:48 UTC  

its not going fine but thats the appearance

2018-12-30 14:30:55 UTC  

@Flare Ragnarok I didn't say anything about central planning

2018-12-30 14:30:56 UTC  

if it was equal everywhere, companies don't get the benefit of having to pay less worker-wage in poor nations, which destroys the working class-jobs in the richer nations

2018-12-30 14:31:04 UTC  

no im not donw

2018-12-30 14:31:05 UTC  

and you'd then just have local production, as opposed to imported

2018-12-30 14:31:11 UTC  

globalism doesn't require central planning to function. We're living in a global economy right now

2018-12-30 14:31:26 UTC  

i said imagine tjis

then what if some bug in the agricultural haven ruined all the crops

2018-12-30 14:31:50 UTC  

and that resulted in no corn products veibg made

2018-12-30 14:31:57 UTC  

as well as no corn based gasoline

2018-12-30 14:31:59 UTC  

why the fuck would all the crops be grown in one place

2018-12-30 14:32:00 UTC  

etc etx

2018-12-30 14:32:03 UTC  


2018-12-30 14:32:07 UTC  

thats central planning right there

2018-12-30 14:32:08 UTC  


2018-12-30 14:32:18 UTC  

there's nothing convenient about central planning

2018-12-30 14:32:19 UTC  

theres no convenience in having it all in one place

2018-12-30 14:32:34 UTC  


2018-12-30 14:32:48 UTC  


2018-12-30 14:32:50 UTC  

You're talking about some kind of retarded Hunger Games version of globalism

2018-12-30 14:32:51 UTC  

if you have the technology to make really cheap corn

then you'd waste all waht you save on transporting it across the world

2018-12-30 14:32:56 UTC  

cuz that costs too

2018-12-30 14:33:01 UTC  


2018-12-30 14:33:04 UTC  

its cheaper to use that technology across the board

2018-12-30 14:33:22 UTC  

corn is easy to produce anyways