Message from @Dragonbane
Discord ID: 298678588096512000
Tim Kaine spoke at my college to a rather small gathering
Also @cqc i'm in fl too
I'm in Minnesomalia
actual pic from the rally
lol Florida is so troll
Trump's rally a couple days later was HUGE
way more people attended
and there were like 0 protestors
bref, my parents are tofu eating liberals, I didnt eat meat until i was 12
I attended and it was awesome
i was marxist indoctrinated from day one
born and raised in ann arbor, U of Mich
ohh god, super cucks
although minnesolalia isnt any better
My dad was a Nazi until one day he just gave up and went full liberal
i got the bible banging evangelical parents in suburbs
Every time we argue he's just halfheartly like ""
i was a "polyamorous genderqueer masculine leaning pansexual" at 16.
because normal was dangerous.
my god, why is it legal to lets kids think that
Personally I was always redpilled
i was redpilled form acid i think
The Axis winning sounded dank
i went to a highschool that was so nigger it got on the news for having race wars between somalians and blacks
oh god when i was little, i wanted the white picket fence 2.5 kids a husband to care for and fido out back. they told me girls don't do that anymore.
Acid revealed to the assclowns that niggers are not human, they are monkeys in disguise
im glad u remember dnkh bonglord
i may have to promote u
It's both funny and good music
here is my highschool
I'll have to find something from mine.
Worst/most disappointing US election of your time?
2004 and 2012 were equally shit
I didn't care enough about politics before trump
in 2012 i just didnt vote