Message from @NiggerLyncher
Discord ID: 299701316014571520
btw did they find the mole?
I dont think so
I thought if I posted enough furry porn that would flush them out but I guess not
Are you the mole? @deathshade2016
hell no I'm a degenerate like the rest of them
The rest of who? The rest of the moles?
Ure admiting Theres more than one mole?
Just fucking around, kek
What if im not, then what?
Shadilay, gonna take a nice shower.
Mommy 😍
Daddy putin
What youtube videos about this discord?
terrible news
Tfw u have Intel i5 and secretly hope NSA finds my nigger gore folder and then chimp out but can't do anything about it
fucking kek
tfw same but furrrrr
Daddy putin way ahead of us
how so
is he nuking mecca over st petersburg yet?
They started using local made chips over Intel and amd in government computers in 2014
They already knew
tfw you trust russian made chips over us made chips
tfw you trust russian gvmt over us gvmt
Russian overlords need to save the west
Skeet inside me