Message from @Daldoren
Discord ID: 299961445544886272
from n korea?
i know china hates them too
and based korea
pretty much all the other asian countries hate eachother because tehy all invaded eachother at some point in time
I know china hates japan
because japan invaded china during the 2nd world war
Asian countries is complicated
north korea learn nuke technology from china
Honestly china should just stop funding and helping north korea
china want north korea against west countries
and their friends in asia
but china can't conrtol north korea
@everyone Raid this shit
china's nukes are shit and they only have 220 of them
lol @Daldoren raided with the fuhrers song
I can only imagine what disaster of a nuke n korea has if any..
i think i did already i dont care
they made me not able to add pics
That's clever
Made it so we can't gorepost
I guess just go there and spam slurs or something
what is it with you guys and gore
it's not gore if its not human
just spread/share on social media
yo im back
i'm here for an hour. whuddup
nm just seeing what trump has done now
i'm the night bitch, so i just work up, but i know it's some 4d shit.