Message from @R9b1t
Discord ID: 535696670126637077
california is a suicide cult echochamber of virtue signalling broken messes
Holy copy paste batman
@Archon most people I know make fun of California
Gen Z here is p ok
Well my young friends
But yeah
Brainwash is real
Not like that don’t take me out of context
but all democrat areas at this moment are that way
send your kids to private school
think saint louis or detroit are better?
because the test is confidential they probably dont show where the pollers are from
Detroit afaik is a ghost town
liberal areas are either graveyards or mental wards it seems
@Emperor of USA ya once a place were pwople can succeed and relax now is the asshole of America literally and figurativley
all it said is that they are all from AmeriSpeak households
it's from pew my nig
i was looking at the methodology page
which is a distinction of their process
Stop trusting groups ffs
just because something is from someone, doesn't mean it's infallible
I'm telling you that is how bullshit gets flown
theyre famous for their surveys lol
No shit
that doesn't mean every one they do is accurate
idk why u guys denying this
When you are known or cited as reliable then they are used as a bullshit propagator
you still have to study the methodology
i long accepted not having hope for gen z
only good thing was that
it was 13-17
It's fucking logic man