Message from @︀ ︀ ︀ ︀ ︀︀︀ ︀ ︀ ︀ ︀︀
Discord ID: 300768551420035084
It filters out absolute nignogs
@glowlog a better test would be a political competence test and a requirement to read each party manifesto.
I know so many dumb people that score high and smart people that score average
You say you're dumb, but you're probably above the very very dumb
true true
citizenship should be earned
i dinged i guess
I like a Separated State: Part Religious, Part Administrative and Part Democratic
also are you gonna be liberal with poly sci degree talking about how (((educated people))) vote for hillary
is it happening?
Regardless of what form of government a country has, I'd still do my own thing.
@NiggerLyncher What discord
That's just how I roll.
yeah im also curious
@NiggerLyncher how did you get this video up to 55k views
by shilling it on 4chan
all election
will it happen though? You should go for something similar to this
what invasion?
well theres currently a shill invasion on pol
and that photo is from the pol discord right?
or lefty pol
there trying to detrumpify pol
lefty pol?
probably lefty pol
they are trying to turn everyone against trump
What discord was that on
i dont know
i just have the screenshot