Message from @crowbot
Discord ID: 537828320037830657
Perez Jimenez did nothing wrong
>literally supporting actual people whos supporters outright kill gays
Idk bout thay chief
Bolsonaro followers are more rabid than trump
I don't think a "Trump for every country" would work, but every state should have a patriot that cares about it's people as the leader
Bolsonaro > Trump
We will see 2 years from now
Voter electorate apathy is a real problem
The Trump effect fixes that
lets hope
Ive never seen high voting numbers like this
So yes, a Trump in every country would be a good idea, as much of a ridiculous troll that guy is
the socialist agenda of the left is dangerous
Bolsonaro gang
@Strufa it's more so reckless command economics, that being said the redistribution of opportunities that's common in Australia isn't working out either
Its not even socialist
Be real about it
lets be real
no system is perfect
USA barely works
Sersious Question, how will Trump handle real refugees fleeing Ven now?
Socialist is a broader term in this case
and its the best we got
but some systems are better then others
and Marxism is the worst
well Communism/ Socialism
@Khanclansith considering what pence said theyll probably get actual asylum
you know what i mean
Hey i can reject my country`s culture i just want to work and become a filthy capitalist
So give me that asylum(?)
please dont let Ven enter
There might be hope for you @Strufa
Better than border hoppers
those fuckers are worst than mexicans