Message from @⛧アシュトン⛧
Discord ID: 538072845507493888
***/pol/ will have its day with you and I will be there.***
cuck new network ?
CNN is bad, I never watch it anymore. I don't like the "Orange man bad" network
Who was it that had a video where someone said that memes were supposed to be taken seriously?
cnn is even bad for tvs ;D laughed when i saw oled burn in test
CNN was never a liking for me.
cnn did worse burn in than anything ;D
I remember waaaaay back when CNN was actually a decent network and usually broke stories
The thing is most non american countries only have CNN from the US
I watched CNN back in the 90s, when I was young and stupid
I believed in communism once.
in Australia you basically get Fox and CNN at least
occasionaly NBC news
im one of those countries only english news network i see is cnn bbc euronews i guess
I thought Communism was the SHIT.
ah theres cnbc too i think
in germany i only saw CNN
Clearly times change.
Danke m'erkle!
i only watch tv when i want to lie in bed while i eat food
Fox is far superior to CNN from a pure news standpoint, but their opinion news programs are definitely conservatively slanted
and only cause i don't have android tv ;p
Fucking hate Deutschelands' politics.
Tucker is funny as hell though
He is!
I don't own a TV
tucker's face when someone is speaking is hilarious
That interview that he did with Avenatti was the absolute shit
Tucker is good
Hannity is a bit hyperbolic
Hannity sucks.
ONly tucker is good.
Tucker sumprm.
Can't cuck the Tuck
I do love me some Tucker, usually who I watch clips from